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Workshop on Cooperative and Cognitive Networks
21-24 JUNE 2009 Leipzig, Germany
In conjunction with the 5th International Wireless
Communications and Mobile Computing Conference
Workshop scope
The concept of cooperative communications for wireless networks, such as cellular networks, sensor networks, and wireless ad hoc networks, has recently attracted considerable attention. Different from conventional point-to-point communications, cooperative communications and networking allows different users or nodes in a wireless network to share resources to create collaboration through distributed transmission/processing, in which each user's information is sent out not only by the user, but also by collaborating users. Cooperative communications and networking is a new communication paradigm promising significant capacity and multiplexing gain increase in wireless networks. It realizes a new form of space diversity to combat the effects of severe fading that has been termed cooperative diversity, and it is also helpful in reducing complexity of routing problems and realizing seamless networking, Although some initial understanding of cooperative communication schemes has been demonstrated in recent years, many more problems related to developing practical and effective cooperative communication systems have emerged or remain open.
Cognitive radio has emerged as a promising technology for optimizing utilization of radio bandwidth in the next generation wireless communications systems and networks. This will enable us to cope with the increasing spectrum demand for wireless services as well as create new wireless applications and services. Recently, we have witnessed a flurry of research in dynamic spectrum access and cognitive radio. Development of cognitive radio technology has to deal with technical and practical considerations as well as regulatory requirements, and therefore, there is an increasing interest in this technology among the researchers and the spectrum policy makers. The workshop will focus on the research challenges associated with the design, implementation, and application of cognitive and spectrum agile wireless networks.
Call for papers
Authors are invited to submit papers for presentation at the workshop. Papers (no more than 6 camera‐ready pages, 10 pt font in IEEE transactions format) should present novel perspectives within the general scope of the workshop (see below). Only original papers that have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere can be submitted. Papers in excess of page limits shall not be considered for review or publication. All papers must include title, complete contact information for all authors, abstract, and keywords on the over page. The corresponding author must be clearly identified. Submissions are managed via EDAS: http://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=6827. Accepted papers will be published in the Proceedings of IWCMC 2009, which will be included in the ACM/IEEE Digital Library (pending approval).
Topics of interest for the workshop include (but are not limited to):
Cooperative system architecture and protocol design System capacity, outage probability, performance analysis and optimization MIMO cooperative communications and distributed space-time coding Differential/non-coherent cooperation systems Cooperative multimedia communications and networking Resource allocation and management for cooperative communications Cooperative routing and scheduling for sensor networks and ad hoc networks Cross-layer design in cooperative communications and networking Impact of cooperation in cellular networks, WLAN, and existing standards. Fundamental performance limit of dynamic spectrum access for cognitive radios Challenges and issues in designing cognitive radio systems Architectures and building blocks of cognitive radio networks Spectrum sensing, measurements and statistical modModulation schemes for coexistence Spectrum awareness and dynamic channel selection Distributed cooperative spectrum sensing Distributed adaptation and optimization methods Cognitive machine learning techniques Interoperability and co-existence issues Cognitive MAC and routing protocols for dynamic spectrum access Security and robustness of cognitive spectrum-agile networks Cross-layer optimization of cognitive radio systems Applications of cognitive radio networks Pricing models for spectrum sharing in cognitive radio Regulatory policies Emerging standards Cognitive radio test-beds and hardware prototypes
Submission: 20 Dec. 2008 (I would put 20 February)
Acceptance: 25 Mar. 2009
Author registration: 15 Apr. 2009
Camera-ready paper: 15 Apr. 2009
Merouane Debbah, SUPELEC, France, Merouane.Debbah@supelec.fr Zhu Han, University of Houston, USA, zhan2@mail.uh.edu Sau-Hsuan Wu, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, sauhsuan@cm.nctu.edu.tw
Technical Program Committee
Giuseppe Abreu, University of Oulu
Giuseppa Alfano, Politecnico di Torino
Jean-Claude Belfiore, Telecom ParisTech
Bernard Fleury, Aalborg University
Maxime Guillaud, Aalborg University
Yao-Win Peter Hong, National Tsinghua University
Jacques Palicot, Supelec
Luc Vandendorpe, Université catholique de Louvain
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