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************************************************************************* * CALL FOR PAPERS * * * * A Special Issue of Wiley Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing * * On * * Underwater Sensor Networks: Architectures and Protocols * * * *************************************************************************
OVERVIEW: The ocean, which covers about two third of the Earth surface, is a largely unexplored world that has fascinated humans since the beginning of history. Over a long period of time, there is a great interest in exploring the ocean and other underwater environments (e.g., rivers, lakes, and reservoirs) for scientific, environmental, commercial, and military purposes. With the increasing demand for acquiring localized precise and real-time knowledge of the harsh underwater environments, current underwater exploration technologies such as SONAR or other remote sensing technologies can no longer meet such needs. Underwater Sensor Network is an emerging network paradigm which provides a promising solution for efficiently exploring the ocean and underwater environments. An underwater sensor network consists of a number of underwater sensor nodes with sensing, data processing, and communication capabilities, which are deployed in a region of interest and collaborate to accomplish a common task, such as underwater environmental monitoring, mine reconnaissance, and military surveillance. Driven by a broad range of potential applications in both civilian and military areas as well as rapid technological advances in microelectronics, wireless communications, and embedded processing, underwater sensor networks have recently received a lot of attention from both academia and industry. Distinguished from terrestrial sensor networks, an underwater sensor network has some unique characteristics that need to be particularly addressed, such as low communication bandwidth, large propagation delay, harsh geographical environment, floating node mobility, and high error probability. These unique characteristics present many challenges for the design of underwater sensor networks, including the design of network architectures and protocols. This has recently motivated a growing interest and a considerable amount of research activities in studying various major issues in the context of network architectures and protocols, including medium access control, topology organization and control, routing and data dissemination, energy efficiency and power control, node localization and tracking, reliable transport and quality of service, and network security and attack defense.
TOPICS: The objective of this special issue is to present a collection of high-quality research papers that report the latest research advances in the area of underwater sensor networks, focused on network architectures and protocols. We are soliciting original contributions that have not been published and are not currently under consideration by any other journals. Topics of interests include the following subject categories: * Network architecture design * Medium access control * Routing and data dissemination * Topology organization and control * Network coverage and node placement * Data aggregation * Node localization and tracking * Time synchronization * Energy efficiency and power control * Reliable transport and quality of service * Network security and attack defense * Network modeling and performance analysis
Prospective authors should prepare their manuscripts in accordance with the publication format described in the For Authors section
http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/jabout/76507157/ForAuthors.html and follow instructions for submission of manuscripts electronically via the ManuscriptCentral http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/wcm according to the following timetable:
Manuscript Submission: November 1, 2007 Acceptance notification: February 10, 2008 Final manuscript due: May 1, 2008 Publication date: August, 2008
NB, In Manuscript Central, please select Manuscript Type "Special issue paper", Special Issue "Yes" and Special Issue title "8:6 Underwater Sensor Networks".
Guest Editors: Jun Zheng School of Information Technology and Engineering University of Ottawa 800 King Edward Street Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6N5, Canada Email: junzheng@site.uottawa.ca
Nirwan Ansari Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering New Jersey Institute of Technology University Heights Newark, New Jersey 07102-1982, USA Email: nirwan.ansari@njit.edu
Cheng Li Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science Memorial University of Newfoundland S.J. Carew Building St. John's, Newfoundland A1B 3X5, Canada Email: licheng@engr.mun.ca
Baoxian Zhang College of Computing and Communication Engineering Graduate University Chinese Academy of Sciences 19A Yuquan Road, Beijing 100049, China Email: bxzhang@gucas.ac.cn
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