-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] CFP: IEEE INFOCOM WIDN Workshop 2015 Datum: Wed, 5 Nov 2014 14:51:28 -0500 Von: My T. Thai mythai@CISE.UFL.EDU Antwort an: My T. Thai mythai@CISE.UFL.EDU An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG
============================================================ IEEE INFOCOM Workshop on Inter-Dependent Networks (WIDN) April, 27, Hong Kong, 2015
(in conjunction with IEEE INFOCOM 2015 - April, 26 - May,1 , Hong Kong)
*http://optnetsci.cise.ufl.edu/widn2015/ http://optnetsci.cise.ufl.edu/widn2015/*
SCOPE AND TOPICS OF INTEREST ---------------------------------------------------
Modern networked systems, in particular, networked physical infrastructures, are inter-dependent in such a way that changing in one network may have a profound impact on other systems. One notable example of such interdependent networked system is the smart-grid, of which the power stations depend on communication networks for control and management and vice versa, the communication networks depend on the power systems for their electricity supports. Furthermore, the rapid adoption and pervasiveness of computing, and emergence of smart cyber-physical systems and Internet of Things (IoT) have created new capabilities for autonomy, interoperability, interaction and cooperation between many critical computing, communication and control networks (“cyber systems”) and physical infrastructures and “smart” environments (“physical systems”). Unfortunately, the connections with cyberspace also open to new surfaces of vulnerabilities and new threat vectors. The challenge is to understand the interdependencies of these systems and how the dynamics are cascaded between them so as to design and develop “smarter” and more resilient inter-dependent networked (cyber-physical) systems.
The objective of this workshop is to advance and promote theoretical foundations for understanding the behaviors of and inter-dependencies in modern networked systems -- especially, in critical (networked) physical infrastructure systems -- and emerging cyber-physical systems. It also seeks to explore new system architectures and innovative mechanisms for the design and development of robust and resilient interdependent networked systems. This workshop will foster an interdisciplinary research community that discovers new knowledge for the design and operation of national critical networked infrastructures as processes and services. LIST OF TOPICS
The Workshop on Inter-Dependent Networks (WIDN) welcomes contributions that are mainly involved, but not limited to the following (non-exhaustive) list of topics, relevant to its broader scope:
- Understand and design of interdependent critical infrastructures - Vulnerability and resilience of interdependent networks - Cascading failures in interdependent networks - Multiplex and multi-layered networks - Network representations - Complexity and approximation of interdependent networks optimization and control techniques - Theoretical frameworks and multidisciplinary computational models of interdependent networks - Analytical prediction of complex behaviors - Cyber-physical systems
- Full Paper Submission Deadline: *December 14, 2014* - Review Deadline: January 24, 2015 - Author Notification: February 7, 2015 - Camera-ready paper due: February 27, 2015 - Workshop Date: April 27, 2015
SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS ------------------------------------------
We call for original and unpublished papers with no longer than 6 pages. The manuscripts should be formatted in standard IEEE camera-ready format (double-column, 10-pt font).
Submission via EDAS (WIDN 2015)
Selected papers will be published in a special issue of Computational Social Networks journal and Journal of Combinatorial Optimization.
WORKSHOP CO-CHAIRS ------------------------------------------------------------- My T. Thai (University of Florida, US) Zhi-Li Zhang (University of Minnesota, US)
______________________________________________________________ IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications http://committees.comsoc.org/tccc/ TCCC Announce: For announcements concerning computer networking and communications. tccc-announce@comsoc.org https://comsoc-listserv.ieee.org/