-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: IEEE INFOCOM'17 Call for Papers Datum: Wed, 08 Jun 2016 22:14:21 -0400 Von: IEEE ComSoc Meetings noreply@comsoc.org An: wolf@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de
infocom17 6.8.16 Submit your paper today!
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Placeholder CALL FOR PAPERS http://www.mmsend10.com/link.cfm?r=248908789&sid=98063584&m=13035640&u=IEEECOMSOC&j=34056557&s=http://infocom2017.ieee-infocom.org/authors/call-for-papers
*IEEE INFOCOM 2017* solicits research papers describing significant and innovative research contributions to the field of computer and data communications networks. We invite submissions on a wide range of research topics, spanning both theoretical and systems research. Topics include: - Big data and data processing for networks - Cellular networks - Cloud computing - Cognitive radio networks - Cooperative networking - Cross-layer optimization and control - Crowdsourcing - Cyber-physical systems - Datacenter networking - Delay tolerant networks - Energy efficiency - Fault tolerance, reliability and survivability - Flow and congestion control - Game theory in networks - Information security and privacy - Information centric networking - Interference management and mitigation - Internet of Things - Localization and location-based services - Medium access control - MIMO-based networking - Mobile cloud computing - Mobility management and models - Multimedia networking - Network calculus - Network coding - Network economics and pricing - Network management - Network measurement and analysis - Network security and privacy - Network virtualization - Optical networks - Overlay and peer-to-peer networks - Quality of Service and resource management - Router and switch design - Routing & Multicast - Scaling laws and fundamental limits - Scheduling and buffer management - Smart antenna based networking - Smart grid - Smartphone and mobile applications - Social computing and networks - Software defined networking - Tactile Internet - Vehicular networks - Web applications and content distribution - WLAN, WPAN, RFID, and NFC - Wireless security and privacy - Wireless sensor networks
------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *IMPORTANT DATES* *Abstract Due* Friday, 22 July 2016 (11:59pm EDT) *Full Paper Due* Friday, 29 July 2016 (11:59pm EDT) *Notification of Acceptance* Friday, 25 November 2016 (11:59pm EDT)
For more information, visit http://infocom2017.ieee-infocom.org http://www.mmsend10.com/link.cfm?r=248908789&sid=98063585&m=13035640&u=IEEECOMSOC&j=34056557&s=http://infocom2017.ieee-infocom.org/
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