-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: 2nd CFP: Internet of Things 2008 Datum: Tue, 24 Jul 2007 04:12:54 +0200 Von: Marc Langheinrich - IOT 2008 info@iot2008.org An: wolf@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de
*************************************************************** * Second Call for Papers - Submission Deadline: Sep. 15, 2007 * ***************************************************************
International Conference for Industry and Academia March 26-28, 2008, Zurich (Switzerland) Organized by ETH Zurich, University St.Gallen, and MIT
The term "Internet of Things" has come to describe a number of technologies and research disciplines that enable the Internet to reach out into the real world of physical objects. This fore- shadows an exciting future that closely interlinks the physical world and cyberspace -- a development that is highly relevant to researchers, corporations, and individuals.
The conference will be the first that brings leading researchers and practitioners from both academia and industry together to facilitate sharing of applications, research results, and knowledge. A world-class program committee comprised of leading researchers in key areas of the Internet of Things is looking forward to contributions addressing topics such as:
* Novel services and applications in an Internet of Things (IOT) * Emerging IOT business models and process changes * Communication systems and network architectures for the IOT * Technologies and concepts for embedding sensing, actuation, communication, and computation into networked things * Experience reports from the introduction and operation of net- worked things in areas such as healthcare, logistics & transport * Security & privacy aspects of IOT infrastructures & applications
Scientific contributions will be published in the Springer LNCS series. We are particularly interested in work addressing real- world implementation and deployment issues. For submission in- structions and timelines see www.internet-of-things-2008.org/cfp/
-------------------------------------------------------- - Sep. 15, 2007 Technical papers submissions deadline - - Oct. 20, 2007 Workshop/tutorials/demo proposals due - --------------------------------------------------------
General Chairs: Elgar Fleisch (ETH Zurich & University St.Gallen), Friedemann Mattern (ETH Zurich) and Sanjay Sarma (MIT). For a full list of conference committee members, see: www.iot2008.org