-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Tccc] [CfP] Sensor/Actuator Networks Track; IEEE International Conference on Cyber, Physical, and Social Computing (CPSCom 2012) Datum: Thu, 29 Mar 2012 11:25:23 +0000 Von: Römer Kay Uwe roemer@inf.ethz.ch An: tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu
Dear colleagues,
We are soliciting submissions for the
Sensor/Actuator Networks Track <<<
IEEE International Conference on Cyber, Physical, and Social Computing (CPSCom 2012) <<<
which will take place on September 11-14, 2012 in Besançon, France. The conference is now held for the fifth time and focuses on the emerging convergence of cyber-physical systems and social networks.
Specific topics for the Sensor/Actuator Networks track (track 4) include, but are not limited to:
- Protocols and services for sensor/actuator networks - Operating systems, middleware, and programming models - Monitoring, debugging, and maintenance of sensor/actuator networks - In-network data reduction, inference, and signal processing - Quality of service aspects, energy efficiency, dependability, real-time - Sensor/actuator networks leveraging smartphones, RFID, smart meters, etc. - Integration of sensor/actuator networks with backend infrastructures and the Internet - Applications such as home/building automation, health care, smart cities, smart grids - Experience with real-world deployments
Important dates:
Paper submission deadline: May 15, 2012 Notification of acceptance: Jun 30, 2012 Camera-ready paper due: Jul 15, 2012 Conference: 11-14 September, 2012
Program Committee:
Matteo Ceriotti (RWTH Aachen, Germany), Ugo Colesanti (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy), Eli de Poorter (Gent University, Belgium), Omprakash Gnawali (Houston University, USA) Raja Jurdak (CSIRO Brisbane, Australia), Salil Kanhere (The University of New South Wales, Australia), Alexander Kroeller (Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany), Brano Kusy (CSIRO Brisbane, Australia), Olaf Landsiedel (Chalmers University of Technology Gothenburg, Sweden), Sam Michiels (KU Leuven, Belgium), Luca Mottola (SICS, Sweden), Dennis Pfisterer (Universität zu Lübeck, Germany), Daniele Puccinelli (SUPSI Lugano, Switzerland), Andreas Reinhardt (TU Darmstadt, Germany), Christian Renner (Technische Universität Hamburg - Harburg, Germany), Olga Sauhk (ETH Zurich, Switzerland), Kristof van Laerhoven (TU Darmstadt, Germany), Andrea Vitaletti (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy), Thiemo Voigt (SICS, Sweden), Matthias Woehrle (TU Delft, Netherlands)
Best Regards,
Kay Römer & Silvia Santini Program Chairs of the Sensor/Actuator Track of CPSCom 2012
_______________________________________________ IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications (TCCC) - for discussions on computer networking and communication. Tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu https://lists.cs.columbia.edu/cucslists/listinfo/tccc