Von: Mellia Marco <marco.mellia@POLITO.IT>
Gesendet: 19. Oktober 2022 15:11:55 GMT-06:00
An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG
Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] Announcements of new journal - Proceedings of the ACM on Networking - PACMNET
[Sorry for duplicates]
We are happy to introduce the new journal titled “Proceedings of the ACM on Networking” (PACMNET<https://dl.acm.org/journal/pacmnet>).
PACMNET is among the last journals joining the recently launched Proceedings of the ACM (PACM<https://www.acm.org/publications/pacm>) series. The goal of the PACM series is to showcase the highest quality research conducted in diverse areas of computer science as represented by the ACM Special Interest Groups (SIGs). ACM PACMNET operates in close collaboration with the Special Interest Group on Data Communications (SIGCOMM<https://www.sigcomm.org/>).
PACMNET will be published quarterly starting from March 2023. Each issue will contain papers selected by the Associate Editors.
The review process is rigorous and is conducted by the Editorial Board whereby each paper is either conditionally accepted (with a minor revision and shepherded), allowed “one-shot-major” revision (with a limited time window for revision and re-submission), or rejected (with re-submission to the journal allowed a year or later, from the time of submission).
Proceedings of the ACM on Networking (PACMNET) is a journal for research relevant to multiple aspects of the area of computer networking.
We seek papers presenting significant and novel research results on emerging computer networks and their applications.
We especially encourage submissions that present new technologies, novel experimentation, creative use of networking technologies, and new insights made possible using analysis.
We invite submissions on a wide range of networking topics, including: protocols in different types of networks (public Internet, data center networks, home and enterprise networks, sensor networks, wireless networks, etc.), network measurements and modeling, evaluation of networks and networked systems using diverse techniques (verification and modeling, trace driven simulation, testbed, in-the-wild experiments, etc.), experience and lessons learned from deployments of networks and their applications, network management and control, including routing, traffic engineering, SDN, NFV, network programmability, etc., and applications of machine learning in computer networking.
In addition to papers on network technologies, we are also looking for papers on network properties such as policy and economics, security and privacy, reliability and availability, performance, energy efficiency, etc.
We particularly welcome experimental results and papers offering additional artifacts such as code, datasets, etc., in the light of reproducibility.
New submissions will be considered two times a year, according to the following deadlines:
• End of November deadline
• Papers accepted with minor revisions will appear in the June issues
• Papers accepted after the one-shot-major-revision will appear in the September issues
• Mid June deadline
• Papers accepted with minor revisions will appear in the December issues
• Papers accepted after the one-shot-major-revision will appear in the March issues
Authors of all papers accepted for publication in PACMNET will be invited to present their work at the ACM International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (ACM CoNEXT<https://www.sigcomm.org/events/conext-conference>) held in the second week of December every year.
Marco Mellia, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Peter Steenkiste, Carnegie Mellon University, United States
Marinho Barcellos (chair), University of Waikato, New Zealand
Olivier Bonaventure, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
Z. Morley Mao, University of Michigan, United States
Joerg Ott, Technische Universität München ,Germany
Jia Wang (EC representative), AT&T Labs Research, United States
Idilio Drago, University of Turin, Italy
If you have any questions please email the Editors-in-Chief at pacmnet-eics@acm.org<mailto:pacmnet-eics@acm.org>
IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications
TCCC Announce: For announcements concerning computer networking and communications.