-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [InternetTC] [CFP] IEEE GLOBECOM 2024 - IoT and Sensor Networks Symposium Datum: Mon, 15 Apr 2024 20:56:25 +0000 Von: Rodolfo Lima Coutinho rodolfo.coutinho@CONCORDIA.CA An: itc@COMSOC.ORG
Dear Colleagues,
The submission deadline for IEEE GLOBECOM 2024 has been extended to April 22nd, 2024 (FIRM).
Please consider submitting your work to the IoT and Sensor Networks Symposium.
Best Regards, ---- Rodolfo Coutinho
IoT and Sensor Networks Symposium
SYMPOSIUM CHAIRS AND CO-CHAIRS • Lin Cai, Illinois Insitute of Technology, USA, lincai@iit.edu mailto:lincai@iit.edu • Rodolfo W. L. Coutinho, Concordia University, Canada, coutinho@ece.concordia.ca mailto:coutinho@ece.concordia.ca • Gang Yang, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China, yanggang@uestc.edu.cn mailto:yanggang@uestc.edu.cn • Noura Aljeri, Gulf University for Science and Technology, Kuwait, aljeri.n@gust.edu.kw mailto:aljeri.n@gust.edu.kw
SCOPE AND MOTIVATION The Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as a promising technology to revolu�onize the way we live and interact with the surrounding environment. IoT produces and communicates massive amounts of data that needs to be filtered, analyzed, and processed. In industrial environments (i.e., Industry 4.0 and 5.0) as well as in smart ci�es, communica�on between connected devices requires high reliability, low latency, and sufficient scalability. Several technologies such as BLE, Zigbee, Wireless HART, IEEE Std 802.15.4 TSCH, 6TiSCH, LPWAN (LoRa, Sigfox, NB-IoT, LTE-M etc.), and RAW have been proposed to tackle these communica�on requirements. The 5G network provides not only increased data rates but also ultra-low data latency communica�on for cri�cal IoT applica�ons that require extreme reliability. 5G enables Machine Type Communica�on (MTC), which is used by mobile network operators, equipment vendors, MTC specialist companies, and research bodies. The high-traffic demand, low-latency, and determinis�c delivery requirements stemming from IoT and machine-to-machine (M2M) communica�ons can be met only with radical changes to current communica�on and networking architectures. Recently, Fog and Edge compu�ng has been proposed to mi�gate the heavy burden on the network due to the centralized processing and storing of the massive IoT data. Fog/Edge-enabled IoT architectures ensure closer processing in proximity to the things, which results in small, determinis�c latency that enables real-�me applica�ons and enforced security.
TOPICS OF INTEREST The IoT and Sensor Networks Symposium at IEEE Globecom 2024 aims at a forum that brings together scien�sts, researchers, and leaders in their domain to present their cu�ng-edge innova�ons in all aspects of this field. The IoT and Sensor Networks Symposium seeks original contribu�ons and unpublished pertaining to trends, issues, and challenges of the following topical areas, plus others that are not explicitly listed but are closely related: • Blockchain technology for IoTs • Federated learning for IoT networks • B5G networks and IoT • Passive/Ambient IoT technologies for B5G/6G • IoT security, trust, and trustworthy • Secure and privacy-preserving IoT communica�ons • IoT and personal data protec�on • Ar�ficial intelligence and IoT • IoT large scale pilots and portability • IoT interoperability and mul�-pla�orm integra�on • SDN, NFV and IoT • Intelligent sensor and actuator networks • Emerging IoT protocols and standards • Ultra-low power IoT technologies and embedded systems architectures • Wearables, body sensor networks, smart portable edge devices • Design space explora�on techniques for IoT devices and systems • Heterogeneous networks, Web of things, Web of everything • Named data networking for IoT • Internet of nano things • Internet of Underwater Things • IoT data management, mining and analy�cs • Distributed IoT data storage and management • Rou�ng and control protocols for IoT and sensor networks • Resource management, resource alloca�on for IoT and sensor networks • Mobility, localiza�on and context-adap�ve IoT • Medium Access Control for IoT and sensor networks • Mobility, Localiza�on and Management Aspects for IoT and sensor networks • Iden�ty management and object recogni�on for IoT and sensor networks • Localiza�on technologies for IoT and sensor networks • Edge compu�ng, fog compu�ng and IoT • Fog/Edge caching techniques for IoT • Machine to machine (M2M)/devices-to-devices communica�ons and IoT • Industrial IoT and factory of things and IoTs • Emerging technologies for the industrial IoT • Applica�on of Fog/Edge compu�ng to IoT: architectures and implementa�ons • Autonomic compu�ng for IoTs • Connected car, automo�ve, intelligent transport for IoT and sensor networks • Coopera�ve compu�ng for IoTs • Coopera�ve IoT and sensor systems • Design principles and best prac�ces for IoT applica�on development • Dynamic scheduling, power control, interference management, and QoS for IoT and sensor networks • Standards based IoT large scale pilots/demonstrators • Interoperability methodologies for heterogeneous IoT • IoT big data management and predic�ve analysis • IoT for smart manufacturing (industry 5.0) and smart spaces • IoT standards pla�orms interworking • Horizontal applica�on development for IoT • IoT networks crowdsensing
IMPORTANT DATES Deadline for paper submission: 16 April 2024 (extended) Date for notification: 1 August 2024 Deadline for final paper submission: 1 September 2024 SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS All papers for technical symposia should be submitted via EDAS through the following link: https://edas.info/N31420 https://edas.info/N31420
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