-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: Final CfP: 13th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services Datum: Sat, 22 Jan 2011 09:51:11 +1100 Von: Robert Steele robert.steele@SYDNEY.EDU.AU Antwort an: Robert Steele robert.steele@SYDNEY.EDU.AU An: SIGMOBILE-MEMBERS@LISTSERV.ACM.ORG
[an in-cooperation with ACM SIGMOBILE event]
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NOTE -- the deadline for Workshop submissions is only a week from today!
################# MobileHCI2011 || Call for Papers #################
13th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (MobileHCI 2011), August 30th - September 2nd, 2011, Stockholm Sweden
www.mobilehci2011.org/ www.facebook.com/mobilehci2011 www.twitter.com/mobilehci2011 MobileHCI 2011 will be held between the 30th of August and the 2nd September, 2011, in Stockholm Sweden, Doctoral Consortium Day, Workshops and Tutorials on August 30th, 2011.
MobileHCI 2011 is organised by the Mobile Life VinnExcellence Centre (Stockholm University, Interactive Institute and SICS) in collaboration with Ericsson, Nokia, Kista Science City, the City of Stockholm, and in cooperation with ACM SIGCHI and ACM SIGMOBILE.
*Accepted papers will be published in the annual conference proceedings and will be included in the ACM digital library.
Important Dates ---------------------------------------------------------------- - Full and Short Paper submission: 18th February, 2011 - Workshop submission (organisers): 28th January, 2011 - Tutorials submission: 18th February, 2011 - Posters submission: 8th April, 2011 - Demos and Experiences submission: 8th April, 2011 - Industrial Case Studies submission: 8th April, 2011 - Design Competition: 22nd April, 2011 - Doctoral Colloquium: 8th April, 2011 - Panels: 8th April, 2011
- Conference Dates: August 30th - September 2nd, 2011
Conference Scope and Description ---------------------------------------------------------------- The Mobile HCI conference is at the centre of the most expanding area of computing, i.e. the astonishing emergence of a mobile application market and the expansion of internet services to wide and mobile user groups. It is the leading conference in the field of Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services. The MobileHCI series provides a forum for academics and practitioners to discuss the challenges and potential solutions for effective interaction with mobile systems and services. It covers the design, evaluation and application of techniques and approaches for mobile and wearable computing devices and services. MobileHCI is now on its 12th Edition with some of the previous events taking place in Lisbon (2010, Bonn (2009), Amsterdam (2008), Singapore (2007), Espoo (2006), Salzburg (2005), Glasgow (2004), Udine (2003), Pisa (2002), Lille (2001), Edinburgh (1999), Glasgow (1998).
Suggested topics ---------------------------------------------------------------- We solicit original research and technical papers not published elsewhere focusing on the following topics (but not limited to): - Novel user interfaces and interaction techniques - Mobile social networks - Context-aware systems - Multimodal interaction (including audio and speech) - User centred design tools and methods for mobile systems - Ethnographical and field studies with mobile technology - Group interaction and mobility - Mobile social networks - Interfaces for mobile communities - Services for mobile devices - The design of location based services for mobile devices - The design; evaluation and case studies-of-use of application development environments - Wearable computing, smart clothes, new devices and sensors - Mobile entertainment, storytelling and location based gaming - Aesthetic interaction and experience design - Affective Computing and mobile embodied interaction - Perception and modelling of the environment - Personal assistance with mobile devices - Mobile art - Mobility and work environments - Evaluation and usability of mobile devices and services - Mobile accessibility - Model-based design of interactive mobile systems - Visualization techniques for the mobile context (including 3D graphics on mobile devices) - Safety issues e.g., in-car user interfaces, payments - Trust, privacy, content protection, legal aspects & issues in mobile applications & services
Chairs ---------------------------------------------------------------- - General: Markus Bylund, SICS, Sweden - Local: Maria Holm Mobile Life Centre, SICS, Sweden - Program: Oskar Juhlin, Mobile Life Centre, Stockholm University, Sweden and Ylva Fernaeus Mobile Life Centre, SICS, Sweden - Papers and notes chairs: Elizabeth Churchill, Yahoo! Research, USA and Albrecht Schmidt, University Duisburg-Essen, Germany - Doctoral consortium: Kristina Höök, Mobile Life Centre, Stockholm University and SICS, Sweden and Jofish Kaye, Nokia Research, USA - Demonstrations: Paul Coulton, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK and Jakob Eg Larsen, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark - Workshop: Giulio Jacucci, Helsinki Institute of Technology, Finland and Sara Ljungblad, Mobile Life Centre, SICS, Sweden - Design competition: Mauro Cherubini, Telefonica Research, Spain and Younghee Jung, Nokia Research, India - Industrial design case: Virpi Roto, Helsinki Institute of Technology, Finland and Tim Paek, Microsoft Research, USA - Poster: Henriette Cramer, Mobile Life Centre, Stockholm University and SICS, Sweden and rank Bentley, Motorola Research, USA - Tutorial: Cristian Norlin, Ericsson Research, Sweden and Johan Bornebusch, School of Communication, Media and IT, Södertörn University, Sweden - E-publication: Jarmo Laaksolahti, Mobile Life Centre, SICS, Sweden - Student volunteers: Zeynep Ahmet, Mobile Life Centre, Stockholm University and SICS, Sweden and Pedro Sanches, SICS, Sweden - Social buzz: Alexandra Weilenmann, Mobile Life Centre, Gothenburg University, Sweden and Mattias Rost, Mobile Life Centre, SICS, Sweden - Industrial exhibit: Tomas Bennich, Kista Mobile Showcase, Sweden - Web: Pedro Ferreira, Mobile Life Centre, Stockholm University and SICS
Keynote Speakers ---------------------------------------------------------------- - Jeanna Kimbré, Manager, Colours & Materials, Creative Design Centre, Sony Ericsson Sweden
- Professor Adrian Cheok, Graduate School of Media Design, Keio University, Japan
Paper Submission ---------------------------------------------------------------- Submissions must be in an electronic form as PDF format and should be uploaded using the conference website. Submissions should be at most 10 pages in ACM MobileHCI format. Submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least 3 peer-reviewers, selected by meta-reviewers. Additional guidelines can be found on the conference's website.
The conference Proceedings will be published by ACM and indexed by the ACM Digital Library.
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