Workshop on Smart Sensing and Situation Awareness in Sensor Networks Submission deadline: January 31th, 2008 Conference date: July 21-22, 2008, Seattle WA, USA
The aim of this workshop is to stimulate research on smart sensing and situation awareness related topics in wireless sensor networks (WSNs).
Sensor network can be said to be the nerve system of our engineering network world, extracting and transmitting useful and timely information reliably for efficient decision support and quick corrective actions. Examples of end-to-end sensor applications include: cargo monitoring systems in a harbor that check containers in a WSN equipped ship for detecting dangerous chemical substances, locating stowaways, or calculating import duties; environmental monitoring systems, such as volcano monitoring and structure monitoring sensor network, that provides domain scientists high resolution views of environments; transport systems that route traffic using real-time data monitored by sensor-enabled cars; emergency management systems that can detect bushfires; smart home environments that enable remote monitoring of residents, early detection of emergency situations and enhancement of quality of life and safety. However, different applications have different context and mission needs, hence developing and deploying end-to-end applications for sensor networks in a realistic business context remains highly complex.
Unlike traditional communication networks, a sensor network is to provide a high degree of visibility into environmental physical processes, not to provide any-to-any communications. Consequently, it requires an end-to-end approach that handles the WSN as a whole rather than as a group of individual nodes. The sensor network design therefore shall be fully context and situation-aware, and target to maximize mission returns with given resource constraints. We seek technical papers describing original, previously unpublished research results. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following: Environmental context and situation awareness Resource discovery and management Cross layering and resource awareness (Distributed) compressed sensing and data aggregation Data fusion, storage and management Effective naming and device/service discovery in end-to-end WSNs Failure resilience and fault isolation Sensor network management Overlay and topology management Sensor mobility and heterogeneity, and smart sensor device drivers Localization, time synchronization Security and privacy Integration with back-end systems such as web-based information systems, process control, and enterprise software Sensor network planning, provisioning, calibration and deployment Deployment experience and testbeds Experimental methodology, including measurement, simulation, and emulation infrastructure Analysis of real-world systems and fundamental limits Technical Program Committee
Matt Welsh, Harvard University, USA Guanling Chen, University of Massachusetts at Lowell, USA Yu Wang, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA Xiuzhen Cheng, George Washington University, USA Guihai Chen, Nanjing University, China Weicao Wang, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA Gianluca Bontempi, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium Prasanta Bose, Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company, USA Ali Hurson - Penn State University, USA Mohan Kumar - University of Texas at Arlington, USA Yu Jiao - Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA Ben Lee - Oregon State University, USA HB Chen - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA Krishna Kavi, Univ of North Texas, USA
Instructions for Manuscripts
Authors are requested to submit a PDF file for their manuscript following the submission guideline available at . All manuscripts should be submitted through the conference submission system and choosing the workshop title. The papers should also be emailed to the workshop organizer for reference. All manuscripts should be received by the conference deadline for paper submission which is the 31 January 2008. _______________________________________________ Tccc mailing list