-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [ISCC] Call for Posters and Demos — ACM PE-WASUN 2011 Datum: Tue, 19 Apr 2011 17:09:51 +0200 Von: Carolina Tripp ctripp@entel.upc.edu An: undisclosed-recipients:;
Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this Call for Papers
******************************************************************* CALL FOR POSTERS and DEMOS
ACM PE-WASUN 2011 8th ACM* International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Wireless Ad Hoc, Sensor, and Ubiquitous Networks (Jointly with the 14th ACM MSWiM Conference) http://sertel.upc.edu/pe-wasun11/ Miami Beach, FL, USA October 31 - November 4, 2011
(*ACM sponsorship approval pending) *******************************************************************
****** Scope ******
Wireless ad hoc, sensor, along with ubiquitous networks have recently witnessed their fastest growth period ever in history, and this trend is likely to continue for the foreseeable future. However, as such networks become increasingly complex, performance modelling and evaluation will play a crucial part in their design process to ensure their successful deployment and exploitation in practice.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Predictive performance models of ad hoc, sensor, and ubiquitous networks * Spectrum agile and cognitive wireless sensor networks * Analysis of multimedia applications over wireless ad-hoc and sensor networks * Support of multimedia and streaming applications in VANET * Analytical modeling and simulation methods * Probabilistic models for ad hoc, sensor and ubiquitous networks * Queuing and network information theoretic analysis * Tracing and trace analysis * Software tools for network performance and evaluation * Automatic performance analysis * Continuity of service over heterogeneous networks, seamless connectivity * Security and privacy in ad hoc networks and ubiquitous networks * Performance of wireless and sensor devices * Mobility modeling and management * Traffic models for ad hoc, sensor networks * Performance evaluation of wireless mesh networks * Performance evaluation of pervasive and ubiquitous networks * Network performance improvement through optimization and tuning * Performance measurement, evaluation and monitoring tools for ad hoc, sensor and ubiquitous networks * Case studies demonstrating the role of performance evaluation in the design of ad hoc, sensor and ubiquitous networks
Demos and Posters Chair: Andrea Vitaletti, SAPIENZA Univerity of Rome (andrea.vitaletti@dis.uniroma1.it)
**************** Call for Posters ****************
Posters presenting early work and preliminary results are solicited. The poster session will provide an excellent opportunity for feedback on early research results as well as lively discussions. Posters are solicited in all areas of mobile ad hoc networking and computing. All posters will be reviewed. Accepted posters will be on display during the conference and will be included in the symposium proceedings. During poster sessions at specific times, an author of a poster must be present to answer questions about the poster.
*********************************** Submission Instructions for Posters ***********************************
Posters should be submitted to the following e-mail address: andrea.vitaletti@dis.uniroma1.it with subject "PE-WASUN 2011 Poster Submission". All submissions will be acknowledged. Posters should be submitted as a single pdf file of no more than 4 pages (including figures, tables and references as well as the names, affiliations and email addresses of the authors) in two-column format, ACM style - see http://www.acm.org/sigs/pubs/proceed/template.html.
************** Call for Demos **************
PE-WASUN 2011 invites proposals for demonstrations of research tools dedicated to validate and evaluate performance of wireless networks. Academic and industrial institutions are welcome to demonstrate, for example, testbeds, simulators or formal methods engines and formalisms related to the general symposium topics. All demos will be reviewed. Accepted demos will be on display during the conference and will be included in the symposium proceedings. At least one of the authors of accepted demos must attend the conference to demonstrate.
********************************* Submission Instructions for Demos *********************************
Demos should be submitted to the following e-mail address: andrea.vitaletti@dis.uniroma1.it with subject "PE-WASUN 2011 DEMO Submission". All submissions will be acknowledged. The proposal should include :
* A single pdf file of no more than 4 pages (including figures, tables and references as well as the names, affiliations and email addresses of the authors) in two-column format, ACM style - see http://www.acm.org/sigs/pubs/proceed/template.html. The file should describe the tool and its benefits for performance evaluation of at least one of the aforementioned topics. * A two-pages description text mentioning the goal of the demonstration, the space required, the setup time, network and electrical connectivity requirements as well as any other requirement. Please describe what attendees will be able to see or do during your demo. Authors may provide a reference URL if available. This description will constitute the online description of the demonstration.
**************** Important Dates ****************
Poster/Demo due: June 10th, 2011 Acceptance notification: July 8th, 2011 Camera ready due: August 5th, 2011
We hope to see you in Miami. Yours sincerely,
Andrea Vitaletti SAPIENZA Università di Roma, Italy