-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] CFP special issue in Mobile Information Systems Datum: Sat, 2 Jan 2016 18:27:09 +0100 Von: Daniel Gutiérrez Reina d.gutierrez.reina@GMAIL.COM Antwort an: Daniel Gutiérrez Reina d.gutierrez.reina@GMAIL.COM An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG
Application of UAVs in Mobile and Wireless NetworksCall for Papers
The increasing developments in unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have raised a wide range of possible applications, many of which take advantage of their communication capabilities with wireless and mobile devices. Today UAVs are equipped with many onboard sensors such as instrument measurement units (IMUs), global positioning systems (GPS), lasers, and cameras. Using this information, UAVs can work cooperatively in groups or swarms through a wide variety of scenarios, raising important challenges in their cooperative decision making and control. However, the collected context information from these sensors can also be transmitted and shared via wireless multihop communications with not only other UAVs, but also ground control stations and people on the ground.
The new generation of smartphones and tablets is capable of establishing wireless communications and sensing a huge number of context variables. Thus, it is possible to plan cooperative missions that comprise both UAVs and other unmanned or manned ground devices, including tablets and smartphones. The cooperation of UAVs with the citizens carrying the portable devices will lead to a plethora of novel applications related to, for example, public protection, aerial monitoring, and transportation of goods.
The purpose of this special issue is to publish high quality research papers related to novel applications of UAVs and mobile and wireless networks.
Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
- Cooperative tactical movements, mobility models, and decision making of UAVs in monitoring applications - Collision and obstacle avoidance using context information - Wireless communication technologies for UAV based applications - Data processing and fusion from UAVs, including artificial intelligence and data mining based strategies - Novel cooperative decisions and control systems, including formation reconfiguration - Communications protocols for UAVs: routing, broadcasting, and data dissemination - Integration and interoperability of wireless UAVs with other wireless multihop ad hoc networks such as MANETs, VANETs, and DTNs - Application of UAVs in disaster scenarios - Multiple UAVs path planning with collision avoidance - UAV-WSN cooperative localization - Context-aware information systems using UAVs - Monitoring applications (aerial photography and video) using UAVs - Simulation, prototypes, and real experimentation of UAV based applications
Authors can submit their manuscripts via the Manuscript Tracking System at http://mts.hindawi.com/submit/journals/misy/auav/. Manuscript DueFriday, 3 June 2016First Round of ReviewsFriday, 26 August 2016Publication DateFriday, 21 October 2016 Lead Guest Editor
- Sergio Toral storal@us.es, University of Seville, Seville, Spain
Guest Editors
- Daniel G. Reina dgutierrezreina@us.es, University of Seville, Seville, Spain - Tracy Camp tcamp@mines.edu, School of Mines, Colorado, USA - Nik Bessis nik.bessis@edgehill.ac.uk, Edge Hill University, Lancashire, UK