-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] WiNTECH 2020, Call for demos and posters Datum: Fri, 19 Jun 2020 09:49:03 +0200 Von: ANTONIO DE LA OLIVA DELGADO aoliva@IT.UC3M.ES Antwort an: ANTONIO DE LA OLIVA DELGADO aoliva@IT.UC3M.ES An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG
My apologies for cross-posting
WiNTECH continues its established tradition of hosting a demos and posters session. We welcome proposals for demonstrations of novel work in wireless network testbeds, measurement platforms and results, and innovative prototypes. The areas of interest overlap those listed in the workshop Call for Papers. The innovations showcased can be at any layer of the protocol stack, from physical to application. However, we particularly encourage demonstrations and posters that span over multiple layers. Wireless networking must be the key topic. Posters may describe work in progress, while the session will offer an excellent opportunity to receive feedback and discuss early research. We emphasize that the demos and posters session is not a forum to display commercial products.
As the workshop this year will happen virtually (online only) authors of accepted demos and posters will be requested to submit a video of their work that will be posted to the public on the workshop website.
Each submission must be a single PDF file no longer than two pages in length (including figures, tables, and references), using two-column format, 10-point size or greater and in PDF format following the same formatting guidelines https://www.sigmobile.org/mobicom/2019/cfp.php as the main conference. Submissions must include the author name and affiliation. All poster titles should begin with the keyword "Poster:" and all demo titles should start with "Demo:". Papers must include the authors’ name and affiliation. All submissions should be sent to posters-wintech20@googlegroups.com
Submission deadline: 15 July 2020
Notification to authors: 22 July 2020
Camera ready due: 31 July 2020
Workshop: 21 September 2020
Thanks Rahman Doost Antonio de la Oliva WiNTECH 2020 Demos and Poster Co-chairs