-------- Original Message -------- Subject: E-NEXT.members: RV: IST Mobile Summit 2006 - 2nd electronic announcement, 4-8 June 2006, Myconos, Greece Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 16:42:05 +0100 From: Jose Felix Kukielka kukielka@it.uc3m.es To: 'Members E-Next Mailing List' members@ist-e-next.net
Dear colleagues:
For your information. Apologies for duplicates.
Best regards, José Félix
*De:* INFSO-AUDIO-VISUAL@cec.eu.int [mailto:INFSO-AUDIO-VISUAL@cec.eu.int] *Enviado el:* lunes, 23 de enero de 2006 15:51 *Asunto:* IST Mobile Summit 2006 – 2nd electronic announcement, 4-8 June 2006, Myconos, Greece
Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this invitation *******************************************************************
IST Mobile Summit 2006 – 2nd electronic announcement 4-8 June 2006, Myconos, Greece http://www.mobilesummit2006.org
CALL FOR PAPERS ************************* Authors are invited to submit high-quality papers representing original results in all areas of wireless communications systems and networks. Submitted papers should not exceed five pages, including graphs and figures. Enhanced versions of a set of selected papers will be included in a Special Issue of the Springer - Wireless Personal Communications Journal to be published in 2006. For this purpose a Special Review Committee will review all papers again to evaluate them for inclusion on the Special Issue.
Proposal submission deadline: 31st JANUARY 2006
For additional information regarding technical program, call for papers, as well as for travel related topics, please visit http://www.mobilesummit2006.org .
On behalf of the TPC,
Sofoklis Kyriazakos