-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [LCN2016-Info] [CFP] IEEE LCN Workshops Joint Call; EXTENDED deadline: 6 June, 2016 Datum: Wed, 25 May 2016 18:58:12 +0800 Von: LCN Publicity Chairs lcn.publicity@gmail.com
Call for Papers - IEEE LCN Workshops ====================================
The following *workshops* will be co-located with the *41st IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN)* 7--10 November, 2016, Dubai, UAE
General information -------------------
EXTENDED joint submission deadline is: 6 June, 2016 LCN workshops information page: http://ieeelcn.org/Workshops.html
Please see the individual workshop websites for further details. We are looking forward to strong submissions as in recent years.
Olivier Mehani IEEE LCN 2016 Workshop Chair
Workshops and individual submission sites -----------------------------------------
CloudNA 2016: The 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Cloud-based Networks and Applications http://www.ieee-cloudna.org/ Submission: https://edas.info/N22387
NSWMD 2016: The 1st IEEE International Workshop on Networks of Sensors, Wearable, and Medical Devices for eHealth https://sites.google.com/site/nswmd2016/ Submission: https://edas.info/N22308
ON-MOVE 2016: The 10th IEEE LCN Workshop On User MObility and VEhicular Networks http://www.ieee-lcn-onmove.org/ Submission: https://edas.info/N22470
P2MNET 2016: The 12th IEEE International Workshop on Performance and Management of Wireless and Mobile Networks http://www.p2mnet.org/2016/ Submission: https://edas.info/N22422
SenseApp 2016: The 11th IEEE International Workshop on Practical Issues In Building Sensor Network Applications http://www.senseapp.org/ Submission: https://edas.info/N22377
WNM 2016: The 10th IEEE Workshop on Network Measurements http://wnm2016.csis.mtroyal.ca/ Submission: https://edas.info/N22480
WIoT 2016: The 1st IEEE LCN Workshop on Internet of Things http://www.cnrl.colostate.edu/IEEELCN-IoT2016/ Submission: https://edas.info/N22482