-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [ISCC] PerMoby 2016 - CFP Datum: Wed, 4 Nov 2015 13:18:59 +0100 Von: Alessio Vecchio alessio.vecchio@unipi.it An: ISCC@mama.ing.unibo.it
----------------------------------------------------------------------- The IEEE PerCom International Workshop on the Impact of Human Mobility on Pervasive Systems and Applications (PerMoby 2016)
March 14-18 2016, Sydney, Australia (the final date will be announced later)
in conjunction with PerCom 2016 (http://www.percom.org) March 14-18 2016, Sydney, Australia -----------------------------------------------------------------------
The key components of many pervasive systems and applications are already deployed in the form of ubiquitous commercial products carried by humans. Human mobility makes it possible for such key components to interact, promoting cooperation and sharing of content, services and resources. Smartphones, tablet PCs, and other personal devices act as mobile computing elements able to gather information about the surrounding environment according to the mobility of users. In other situations these devices operate as mobile nodes of the computing and/or networking infrastructure, where interaction and communication occur opportunistically.
The goal of PerMoby is to explore the impact of human mobility on the achievement of the pervasive computing vision. The focus is on pervasive applications, systems, and protocols where mobility plays an active role in achieving the end goals.
Original papers addressing both theoretical and practical aspects of human-centric applications and systems are solicited. Papers describing prototype implementations and deployment of such applications and systems are particularly welcome. The submission of papers on controversial issues is also encouraged. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
- pervasive systems and applications based on (or influenced by) human mobility - mobile phone sensing applications and systems - opportunistic and participatory sensing, and anything in between - opportunistic computing - pervasive systems with humans in the loop - wearable sensing systems - mobility models - distributed computing approaches that rely on human mobility - impact of human mobility on wireless communication - green pervasive applications that leverage human mobility - mobility aware protocols - opportunistic networking - pervasive social networking
Papers are published in the combined proceedings of the IEEE PerCom Workshops and will appear on IEEExplore.
According to Google’s metrics, the combined workshop proceedings are characterised by high values of h5 index and h5-median index, respectively equal to 27 and 36. This makes the IEEE PerCom Workshops one of the publication venues with higher visibility and impact in the area of pervasive computing.
In the last years, the IEEE PerCom Workshops proceedings have always been indexed by Scopus.
Papers should contain original material and should not be previously published or currently submitted for consideration elsewhere. Manuscripts are limited to a maximum of 6 pages in IEEE conference format. At least one author of each accepted paper must register and attend the workshop to present the paper. There is no workshop-only registration. An oral presentation at the workshop is strictly required. Failure to present the paper at the workshop will result in the withdrawal of the paper from the proceedings as well as from IEEE Xplore. Paper submission will be via EDAS (further details will be available on the workshop website).
- Submission deadline: November 27, 2015 - Notification of acceptance: January 2, 2016 - Camera ready: January 15, 2016
TECHNICAL PROGRAM CO-CHAIRS Raja Jurdak, Commonwealth Scientific Industrial and Research Organisation (CSIRO), Australia
TECHNICAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE Valerio Arnaboldi, IIT-CNR, Italy Mikael Asplund, Linköping University, Sweden Gergely Biczók, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary Eleonora Borgia, IIT-CNR, Italy Guglielmo Cola, University of Pisa, Italy Anna Förster, University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland, Switzerland Shin'ichi Konomi, The University of Tokyo, Japan Brent Lagesse, University of Washington at Bothell, USA Neal Lathia, University of Cambridge, UK Alan Marchiori, Bucknell University, USA Liam McNamara, Uppsala University, Sweden Paulo Mendes, University Lusofona, Portugal Waldir Moreira, University Lusofona, Portugal Luis Moreira-Matias, NEC Laboratories Europe, Germany Mirco Musolesi, University of Birmingham, UK Christian Poellabauer, University of Notre Dame, USA Alicia Rodriguez-Carrion, University Carlos III of Madrid Christian Rohner, Uppsala University, Sweden Bryce Thomas, Amazon, USA Salvatore Vanini, University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland, Switzerland Kun Zhao, CSIRO, Australia
STEERING COMMITTEE Daniele Puccinelli, University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) Alessio Vecchio, University of Pisa, Italy
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