-------- Original Message -------- Subject: Final reminder: Mobisys 2006 cfp Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2005 20:21:08 -0800 From: Alec Wolman alecw@microsoft.com To: multicomm@comsoc.org
[ We apologize in advance if you receive multiple copies of this CFP.... ]
There are only 2 weeks remaining until the Mobisys 2006 submission deadline!
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MobiSys 2006 Call for Papers http://www.sigmobile.org/mobisys/2006/
The 4th International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services June 19-22, 2006 Uppsala, Sweden
Jointly sponsored by ACM SIGMOBILE and The USENIX Association, in cooperation with ACM SIGOPS
Corporate supporters: Intel, Ericsson, and Microsoft.
MobiSys 2006 seeks to present innovative and significant research on the design, implementation, usage, and evaluation of mobile computing and wireless systems, applications, and services. The conference will be held in early summer in the historic town of Uppsala, Sweden. It builds on the success of the first three conferences held in San Francisco, Boston and Seattle.
Important Dates
Full papers due: Monday Nov 28 2005 (23:59 EST) (HARD DEADLINE, no extensions) Notification of paper acceptance: March 10,2005 Camera-ready final papers due: April 7, 2006 Poster and demo proposals due: March 27, 2006 Notification of poster/demo acceptance: April 21, 2006
Conference Organizers
General Co-Chairs: Per Gunningberg (Uppsala University, Sweden) Lars-Ake Larzon (Uppsala University, Sweden)
Steering Committee Chair: Victor Bahl, Microsoft Research
Program Co-Chairs: Mahadev Satyanarayanan, Carnegie Mellon University, USA Nigel Davies, Lancaster University, UK
Program Committee:
Victor Bahl, Microsoft Research, USA Mary Baker, HP Labs, USA Ramon Caceres, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA Mark Corner, University of Massachusetts, USA Nigel Davies, Lancaster University, UK Eyal de Lara, University of Toronto, Canada Carla Ellis, Duke University, USA Adrian Friday, Lancaster University, UK Jason Hong, Carnegie Mellon University, USA David Kotz, Dartmouth College, USA Anthony LaMarca, Intel Research Seattle, USA Antonio Kruger, University of Munster, Germany Dushyanth Narayanan, Microsoft Research, UK Brian Noble, University of Michigan, USA Mahadev Satyanarayanan, Carnegie Mellon University, USA Rahul Sukthankar, Intel Research Pittsburgh, USA Roy Want, Intel Research, USA
Poster Chair: Ramon Caceres, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
Demo Co-Chairs: Bengt Ahlgren, Swedish Institute of Computer Science, Sweden Ian Chakeres, Boeing Phantom Works, USA
Publicity Chair: Alec Wolman, Microsoft Research, USA
Submission guidelines
We seek papers that take a broad systems perspective rather than focus narrowly on low-level components. We value results and insights obtained from working implementations more highly than those obtained solely from simulations. If you have any questions regarding relevance or other submission-related issues, please contact the program chairs at mobisys_pcchairs@acm.org. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Design, implementation, and evaluation of mobile and wireless systems - Middleware and service architectures for mobile and wireless applications - Data management for mobile and wireless applications - Operating Systems for resource-constrained mobile devices - Disconnected and weakly connected operation - Proxies and data adaptation - Mobile agents - Infrastructure support for mobility - Security, privacy, authorization, and billing - System-level energy management for mobile and wireless devices - Wearable and handheld devices in the context of system design - Personal mobility - Personal-area networks and systems - Cyber foraging and resource discovery of mobile services - Systems for context sensing and location awareness - Application interfaces and services supporting the mobile user - Tools and design methodologies for building mobile and wireless systems - Mobile computing support for pervasive computing - User interfaces and usability issues for mobile and wireless applications - Experience with mobile and wireless systems
Submissions should be full papers, up to 14 single-spaced 8.5" x 11" pages, including figures, tables, and references, two-column format, using 10-point type on 12-point (single-spaced) leading with reasonable margins. Submissions will be judged on originality, significance, interest, clarity, relevance, and technical correctness. Accepted papers will be shepherded by a member of the program committee.
MobiSys, like most conferences and journals, requires that papers must not be submitted simultaneously to any other conference or publication, that submissions must not be previously published, and that accepted papers must not be subsequently published elsewhere. Papers accompanied by nondisclosure agreement forms are not acceptable and will be returned to the author(s) unread. As customary with the scientific peer review process, submissions will be handled as confidential material during the review.
Submissions are due Monday, November 28, 2005, 23:59 EST. This is a hard deadline, and no extensions will be granted. The submission process is electronic. All submissions must be in PDF format. See the conference web page for detailed instructions.
Poster and Demo Sessions
Do you have interesting work you would like to share, or a great idea that is not quite ready to be published? Poster sessions are for you! The poster sessions introduce new or ongoing work. Demos of working systems and applications are also encouraged. The MobiSys audience will provide valuable discussion and feedback. We are particularly interested in presentations of student work. See the conference web page for submission details.
The ACM MobiSys 2006 conference will host a day of workshops on technical areas related to mobile systems, applications and services. SIGMOBILE invites workshop proposals from interested communities. New workshops in emerging areas that can engage participants in greater interaction are welcome. See the conference web page for details.