-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [Tccc] RFP: ITNG 2006 Track on Grid Computing Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 00:30:01 -0400 From: Li, Jiang (Leo) lij@ustc.edu To: tccc@cs.columbia.edu
The following information is also available at
Third International Conference on Information Technology : New Generations ITNG 2006 April 10-12, 2006, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA www.itng.info
DEADLINES: Submission : October 28, 2005 (no extensions) Author Notification: December 16, 2005 Camera Ready (6 pages): January 13, 2006
Track on Grid Computing
THEME: In the last few years, the Grid community has been growing very rapidly and many new technologies and components have been proposed. This, along with the growing popularity of web-based technologies, and the availability of cheap commodity components is changing the way we do computing and business. The Grid Computing Track at ITNG 2006 is intended to provide a high-quality forum for researchers and practitioners to present their latest theoretical and practical work in this rapidly-changing area. Original papers are solicited in all aspects of grid computing.
* Internet-based Computing Models * Interactive Grid Computing * Grid Architectures and Fabrics * Cluster and Grid Integration Issues * Grid Middleware and Toolkits * Grid Monitoring, Management and Organization Tools * Grid Information Services * Grid Security Issues * Programming Models, Tools, and Environments * Remote Data Access and Management * Grid Object Metadata and Schemas * Grid Applications, including eScience and eBusiness Applications * Virtual Instrumentation and eScience * Data Grids, including Distributed Data Access and Management * Networking * Resource Management and Scheduling * Grid Economy * Autonomic and Utility Computing on Global Grids * Performance Evaluation and Modeling * Cluster and Grid Integration Issues * Scientific, Industrial and Social Implications
PAPER SUBMISSION: Papers should be original and contain contributions of theoretical or experimental nature, or be unique experience reports. Interested authors should submit a 6-page summary of their original and unpublished work including 5 keywords in the IEEE format electronically, or EMAIL to blegand@scs.howard.edu with the subject line set as "ITNG 2006". Electronic submission in the PDF, PS or MS Word format is strongly encouraged.
EVALUATION PROCESS: Papers will be evaluated for originality, significance, clarity, and soundness. Per ITNG policy, except for invited papers, all papers will be reviewed by at least two independent reviewers. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings with an ISBN. Selected papers presented in the conference will be considered for publication in a special issue of an international journal.
BEST STUDENT PAPER: The Best Student Paper will be awarded at the conference. To be eligible, the student must be the sole author of the paper, or the first author and primary contributor. (The winner of the award will present the paper in a plenary session at the conference). A cover letter to the General Chair/Track Chair must identify the paper as a candidate for this competition at the time of submission.
CALL FOR REVIEWERS: The Grid Computing Track is in need of reviewers that are knowledgeable in the field.We plan to send a list of abstracts to each reviewer to select some papers to review. If you are willing to review some number of papers, (preferably between two and four, but any number will do!), please send a email to blegand@scs.howard.edu with the subject line set as "ITNG 2006 REVIEWER". The deadline for reviewers is early October 1, 2005.
DEADLINES: Submission : October 28, 2005 (no extensions) Author Notification: December 16, 2005 Camera Ready (6 pages): January 13, 2006 _______________________________________________ Tccc mailing list Tccc@cs.columbia.edu http://lists.cs.columbia.edu/mailman/listinfo/tccc