-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Tccc] 7th International Conference on Body Area Networks – BodyNets 2012 submission deadline extended to 15 May 12 Datum: Thu, 29 Mar 2012 10:02:26 +0200 Von: Justina justina.senkus@eai.eu An: tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu
Apologies for cross-postings
======================================================================== The 7th International Conference on Body Area Networks – BodyNets 2012 Oslo, Norway 24 – 26 September 2012 http://bodynets.org/2012 ========================================================================
HIGHLIGHTS - The event is endorsed by the European Alliance for Innovation (http://eai.eu/), a leading community-based organisation devoted to the advancement of innovation in the field of ICT - All accepted papers will be published by ACM Digital Library - Student Travel Grants announced - Confirmed Keynote Speakers Prof. Guang-Zhong Yang, Imperial College, UK; Prof. David Atienza, EPFL, Switzerland; Dr. Julian Penders, IMEC, Netherlands; Prof. Victor Leung, University of British Coumbia, Canada; Prof. Ryuji Kohno, Yokohama National University, Japan and University of Oulu, Finland. - Best paper awards to be announced at the conference.
The advancement in sensing, embedded computing, and wireless communication has accelerated the progress of adopting sensor networks to form Body Area Networks (BodyNets). BodyNets integrate and deploy wireless sensors, RFID tags, and other pervasive devices within and around human bodies for constructing diverse and practical systems for physiological monitoring, human computer interaction, and provision of entertainment. This conference will explore and explain the scope and challenges of designing, building, and deploying BodyNets. In this regard, the conference aims to establish a forum to exchange ideas, discuss practices, raise awareness, and share experiences among researchers and practitioners in the field of computer science, electrical engineering, biomedical engineering, medicine, and other disciplines in both academia and industry. This conference also allows authors to present new and emerging trends to address the technical, social, system and application issues related to BodyNets.
The Conference continues its tradition of being the premier forum for presentation of results on cutting-edge research in BodyNets. While the mission of the conference is to share novel basic research ideas as well as experimental applications in the BodyNets area in addition to identifying new directions for future research and development the new scientific topics such as nano communication networks, bio-inspired networks, molecular networks, etc. will be considered. BodyNets 2012 will give researchers a unique opportunity to share their perspectives with others interested in the various aspects from molecular to micro level communication to novel applications in medicine, gaming to automobile industry. The conference consists of four symposia that cover a broad range of research aspects. In addition, the program will include three outstanding keynote speakers from academia and industry. A panel session on “Nano communications networks: from theory to practical applications” and an industrial track will surely provoke thoughtful discussions. There will also be two tutorials given free of charge to all BodyNets 2012 attendees. We hope that the conference proceedings will serve as a valuable reference to researchers and developers in the area.
TOPICS The conference invites original technical papers that were not previously published and are not currently under review for publication elsewhere. Topics include, but are not limited to:
1. Wearable Computing: Ambient intelligence User interface Context-awareness Augmented reality Pattern recognition Mobile and unobstrusive computing
2. Embedded Medical Devices: Wearable system design issues Integrating BodyNets into the healthcare system High-Confidence Medical Devices Medical Device Plug-and-Play Assistive technologies for independent aging Interactive Arts
3. Privacy and Security: Lightweight security solutions for BodyNets Privacy issues of BodyNets Authentication and Trustworthiness Attacks and Countermeasures
4. System and Application: System design and modeling Emerging self-powered BodyNets Pervasive health care and patient monitoring Entertainment (gaming) and lifestyle applications Novel closed-loop applications of BodyNets Case studies and system deployment New medical diagnostics and treatments Ambient assisted living Smart transportations Smart homes Virtual hospitals
5. Networking and Communication Communication techniques and protocols for BodyNets Networking and security issues for BodyNets Advanced propagation and channel model for BodyNets Novel wireless communication technologies In-body, on-body, and around body networks Scalable, flexible network architectures & deployments Advanced propagation and channel model for BodyNets Fault-tolerance and reliability of BodyNets Cognitive networks for medical bands Bio cloud communication and computing
6. Nano Communication Networks and Systems THz communication systems Molecular communications Channel modeling Nano devices
IMPORTANT DATES: Call for workshops, special sessions, and tutorials: February 15, 2012 Call for papers (full papers, and short papers): May 15, 2012 Call for posters and demo abstracts: May 1, 2012 Notification of acceptance: July 1, 2012 Camera-Ready submission deadline: August 10, 2012
PUBLICATIONS BodyNets 2012 is technically co-sponsored by IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. All accepted and presented papers will be included in the conference proceedings, made available in the ACM Digital Library, as well as in the ICST's own EU Digital Library (EUDL).
SELECTED PAPERS FOR JOURNAL PUBLICATIONS Selected papers will be invited for the ACM/Springer Mobile Networks & Applications (MONET) Special Issue, the IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management Special Issue, the Elsevier Nano Communication Network Special Issue and Springer Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing
STUDENT AUTHOR TRAVEL GRANTS Travel grants will be made available for student authors attending the conference. Each grant is worth of NOK 3000 (approx. US$500). Student authors are encouraged to submit proof on student status and a 1/2 page motivation letter for consideration after they registered for the conference.
PAPER SUBMISSION Authors are invited to submit papers of up to 7 pages for full papers, 4 pages for short papers, and 1 page abstract for posters and demos, in ACM Proceedings format 7"x9" print area, single spaced, double column, 9-pt font size). ACM's LaTex and MS WORD templates are located at: http://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/proceedings-templates. Authors should apply ACM Computing Classification categories and terms. The templates provide space for this indexing and point authors to the Computing Classification Scheme at: http://www.acm.org/about/class/1998. Please see http://www.bodynets.org/submission.shtm for details.
Steering Committee Prof. Athanasios V. Vasilakos, National Technical University of Athens, Greece Prof. Chenyang Lu, Washington University, USA Prof. Imrich Chlamtac, University of Trento, Italy
Organising Committee
General Chair: Prof. Ilangko Balasingham, Oslo University Hospital HF and Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Technical Program Co-Chairs: Prof. Ryuji Kohno, Yokohama National University, Japan and University of Oulu, Finland Prof. Junichi Suzuki, University of Massachusetts, Boston, USA Prof. Tao Gu, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
Panels Chair Dr. Jacob Bergsland, MD, Oslo University Hospital, HF, Norway Workshop and Tutorial Chair Prof. Tadashi Nakano, Osaka University, Japan Prof. Haojin Zhu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China Demo and Poster Chair Prof. Eduard Alarcón, Technical University of Catalunya, Spain Dr. Yunhuai Liu, Shenzhen Institutes of Advance Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Publicity Chair Dr. Shui Yu, School of Information Technology, Deakin University, Australia Prof. Ali Khaleghi, K.N.Toosi University of Technology, Iran Prof. Shih-Hsi "Alex" Liu, California State Univesity Fresno, USA Publication and Local Chair Dr. Raul Chavez-Santiago, Oslo University Hospital HF, Norway Dr. Anna Kim, Oslo University Hospital HF, Norway Web Chair Karl Øyri, Oslo University Hospital HF, Norway
Program Track Chairs:
Embedded Medical Devices Prof. Dirk Plettemeier, Technical University of Dresden, Germany Dr. Catherine Dehollain, EPFL, Switzerland Privacy and Security Prof. Xiaodong Lin, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Canada Prof. Chunming Rong, University of Stavanger, Norway System and Applications Dr. Huan-Bang Li, National Institute of Information and Communication Technology, Japan Dr. Kamran Sayrafian, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA Networking and Communication Prof. Gill Tsouri, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA Prof. Tor Ramstad, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway, Prof. Eryk Dutkiewicz, Macquarie University, Australia Wearable Computing Prof. Jari Iinatti, University of Oulu, Finland Prof. Jianqing Wang, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan Nano communication networks and systems Dr. Sasitharan Balasubramaniam, Telecommunications software and systems group & Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland Prof. Ozgur Akan, Koc University, Turkey
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