Hier ist u.a. auch IPSN dabei

Von: Pine Liu <pine@cmu.edu>
Gesendet: 1. Oktober 2016 19:42:32 MESZ
An: Pine Liu <pine@cmu.edu>
Betreff: Call for Papers - ACM/IEEE Cyber-Physical Systems Week

CALL FOR PAPERS - ACM/IEEE Cyber-Physical Systems Week


April 18-21, 2017

Pittsburgh, PA, USA


CPS Week is the premier event on Cyber-Physical Systems research. CPS brings together five top conferences, HSCC, ICCPS, IoTDI, IPSN, and RTAS, workshops, tutorials, competitions, and various exhibitions from both industry and academia.



Abstract submission deadline: October 6, 2016

Full paper submission deadline: October 13, 2016


Please visit the conference website http://www.cpsweek.org for details on paper submission, calls for workshops, tutorials, and competitions, and other current conference information.



Raj Rajkumar, Carnegie Mellon Univ., rajkumar@cmu.edu

Radu Marculescu, Carnegie Mellon Univ., radum@cmu.edu




Xuesong (Pine) Liu, Ph.D., FMP
Research Assistant Professor

Porter Hall 118K

Carnegie Mellon University 


Work: (412) 268-5770         Cell: (412) 953-2517

pine@cmu.edu         LinkedIn