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IEEE Sensor Applications Symposium 2010 Feb. 23-25, 2010 Limerick, IRELAND
Abstract Submissions: October 1st, 2009 (extended) Notifications: November 15, 2009 Final Deadline: January 10, 2010
A place for sensor experts to network, learn, and discuss applications.
Conference Highlights: 1 – Special Issue of IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement: The authors of papers, presented during SAS 2010, will be allowed to submit updated and extended versions of those papers to the special issue to be published in 2011. 2 – PlugFest 2010: IEEE 1451 standards will be demonstrated with capabilities extending from plug-and-play smart sensors to wireless networking and web access!
Visit the conference site at: http://www.sensorapps.org/ Presentations from the SAS 2009: http://www.sensorapps.org/2009/program.php
Best Regards,
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deniz Gurkan, PhD IEEE SAS 2010 Technical Program Chair http://www.sensorapps.org
Assistant Professor Engineering Technology (Room 230-B) University of Houston T: 713-743-4037 dgurkan@uh.edu http://tech.uh.edu/faculty/gurkan/