-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Tccc] HotMobile 2012 - Call for Posters/Demos Datum: Mon, 12 Dec 2011 09:38:58 -0500 Von: Tamer Nadeem nadeem@cs.odu.edu An: tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Call for Posters and Demos
The 13th Annual International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (HotMobile 2012)
Sponsored by ACM SIGMOBILE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ February, 2012 San Diego, CA, USA http://www.hotmobile.org/2012/
ACM HotMobile 2012, the Thirteenth International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications continues the series of highly selective, interactive workshops focused on mobile applications, systems, and environments, as well as their underlying state-of-the-art technologies. HotMobile's small workshop format makes it ideal for presenting and discussing new directions or controversial approaches.
HotMobile seeks proposals for posters and live demonstrations describing novel work on mobile systems, applications and services. Posters and demonstrations will be presented during an evening reception at the workshop. The poster/demo session is meant to introduce new or ongoing work and provide opportunities for authors to interact directly with workshop attendees.
Posters are well suited to controversial work that can generate discussion or promising new ideas which have not been thoroughly evaluated. Live demos provide an opportunity to demonstrate the feasibility and usefulness of your research.
Submission Instructions ----------------------------- Submissions must include an extended abstract no longer than one 8.5x11-inch page, including all figures and references. Submissions must be made electronically in an email message to the Poster Chair at:
mailto: hotmobileposter@sent.com subject line for posters: "HOTMOBILE POSTER SUBMISSION" subject line for demos: "HOTMOBILE DEMO SUBMISSION"
The body of the email should include the title of the poster/demo and the author list, including affiliations. The abstract should be attached in PDF format. Demonstration submissions should include infrastructure needs, such as power, network, etc.
Important Dates -------------------- Poster/demo Submission: January 14th, 2012 - 23:59pm EST Acceptance Notification: January 21th, 2012
Organizing Committee --------------------------- General Chair Gaetano Borriello, University of Washington, US
Program Chair Rajesh Krishna Balan, Singapore Management University, SG
Posters & Demos Chair Janne Lindqvist, Rutgers University, US
Doctoral Consortium Chair Eyal de Lara, University of Toronto, Canad
Publicity Chair Tamer Nadeem, Old Dominion University, US
Web Chair Christos Efstratiou, University of Cambridge, UK ***************************************************************************
Follow us at --------------- http://www.facebook.com/pages/HotMobile-2012/ http://twitter.com/#!/HotMobile2012 https://plus.google.com/117648751065166514779/
_______________________________________________ IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications (TCCC) - for discussions on computer networking and communication. Tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu https://lists.cs.columbia.edu/cucslists/listinfo/tccc