-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [failsafe-workshop] FAILSAFE 2020 workshop CFP Datum: Thu, 19 Sep 2019 11:43:39 +0100 Von: Michael Breza mjb04@doc.ic.ac.uk An: failsafe-workshop@imperial.ac.uk
[Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this Call for Papers.] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL FOR WORKSHOP PAPERS FAILSAFE 2020 The Second International Workshop on the Engineering of Reliable, Robust, and Secure Embedded Wireless Sensing Systems 17th February 2020 Lyon, France http://wp.doc.ic.ac.uk/failsafe/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do you research or deploy Wireless Systems and Networks (WSN) for a living? Have you ever deployed a WSN in the wild? Has anything ever gone wrong? Did you experience any problems or issues that you had to overcome? We want to hear about these experiences, this workshop is for you!
We want the story of your WSN deployment, and the problems that you faced. We want to hear about the failures and problems that you faced during your deployment of experiment, and how you overcame them. IMPORTANT DATES <complete> Paper submission: 15th November, 2019 Acceptance notification: 10th December, 2019 Camera ready: 20th December, 2019 Workshop date: 17th February, 2020 TOPICS OF INTEREST Papers describing and presenting data of problems and failures of experimental efforts, practical experiences, and industrial and commercial developments in all aspects of sensor networks, mobile devices, and wireless communication are solicited. Within this domain, particular topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
• Failure and the diagnosis of an actual deployment of mobile apps, net- works and systems. Must include some data and analysis of what caused the failure. • Examples of a deployment that was tested, and failed due to unexpected circumstances. The testing methodology must be presented and discussed, as well as how it failed to account for the phenomenon that caused the failure, and a potential solution described. • Testing frameworks or verification methodologies that have arisen out of sensor system deployment failures, and are currently used to prevent similar failures of wireless sensor systems. • Monitoring tools or control systems that have been used in actual deployments and have been used to detect and diagnose node or system performance issues or failures. • Any documented examples with data showing the effects of a malicious or nefarious attack on a deployed embedded wireless sensor system. SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS Submissions should not be previously published and not currently under review by another conference or journal. Original papers must have up to 6 pages including references. Please visit the workshop web page for more details: http://wp.doc.ic.ac.uk/failsafe/authors-instructions/ Organizers
General Chair: Julie McCann, Imperial College London
Program Chair: Michael Breza, Imperial College London
Web Chair: Laksh Bhatia, Imperial College London Program Committee Members (ongoing) Michael Baddeley, University of Bristol Silvia Demetri, University of Trento Kai Geissdoerfer, TU Dresden Robert Hartung, TU Braunschweig Timofei Istomin, University of Trento Romain Jacob, ETH Zurich Roman Kolcun, Imperial College London Chris Xiaoxuan Lu, University of Oxford Ivana Tomic, Greenwich University Ambuj Varshney, Uppsala university
_______________________________________________ failsafe-workshop mailing list failsafe-workshop@imperial.ac.uk https://mailman.ic.ac.uk/mailman/listinfo/failsafe-workshop