-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Tccc] REMINDER - IEEE Infocom DEMO and Poster session deadline quickly approaching - Dic 15th Datum: Mon, 10 Dec 2012 14:16:29 +0100 Von: Marco Mellia mellia@tlc.polito.it An: tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu Kopie (CC): marco.mellia@polito.it Mellia marco.mellia@polito.it, martin.may@technicolor.com Martin martin.may@technicolor.com
Dear Colleagues,
just a quick reminder: the deadline for the abstract submission is quickly approaching. Do not miss it!
Marco and Martin ------------------
We have the pleasure to announce that the 32nd IEEE INFOCOM CALL for DEMO and POSTER session is available on the IEEE infocom website http://infocom.di.unimi.it/index.php/callfordemosposters.html
2-page demo/poster abstract due by: 11:59pm (EST), December 15th, 2012 Notification of acceptance: January 20th, 2013 Camera ready: February 1st, 2013 Demo/Posters Session dates: April 17th 2013
We are soliciting technical demonstrations showing innovative and original research. IEEE INFOCOM is interested in demonstrations of technology that validate important research issues and results, or showcase realistic applications. 2013 IEEE INFOCOM will offer a large space and visibility to allow the presentation of Demos and Posters. Topics of interest are the same as research topics of IEEE INFOCOM, see the main conference call for papers (http://infocom.di.unimi.it/index.php/callforpapers.html)
A *competition* among demonstrations will be running, where attendees will be offered the chance to vote for the best demonstration. The winner will be awarded by an Apple iPad engraved with the IEEE Infocom 2013 Best Demo Award.
Abstracts describing the Demo and Posters will be indexed by IEEE-Xplore and will be distributed with the official conference proceedings. Authors must be present during the Demo and Poster sessions. No show will preclude publication in IEEE-Xplore. Authors are invited to submit a poster/demo via Edas. We welcome submission whose primary contribution is from one or more students. The IEEE INFOCOM 2013 Poster and Demo committee will review all posters and demos proposals, providing feedback to authors. Please consult the Demo/Posters Co-Chairs if you are uncertain whether your demo/poster falls within the scope of the conference.
Submissions should not exceed a two-page abstract/proposal in PDF format adhering to INFOCOM submission guidelines. Be as specific as possible in describing what you will demonstrate/show. Try to be succinct, focused and to capture the curiosity of the readers.
Demos and Posters will be located along the main corridor, offering great visibility to authors of accepted works. The demo session will offer power (Italian electric sockets, bring your own adapters!), wireless and wired Internet connectivity. Each demo will be located in a 2.5mx4.5m area already equipped with tables and closets where to store devices, and an A0 poster stand. Posters will be offered an A0 poster stand.
If a demonstration requires special arrangements, please send an email to Prof. Marco Mellia ( mellia@tlc.polito.it) to ensure it can be arranged. Submissions must be made via EDAS conference management system. To submit the demo abstract, go to http://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=13499 and select one of two tracks: Demonstration or Poster Presentation.
IEEE INFOCOM 2013 Demo/Posters Co-Chairs
Marco Mellia, Politecnico di Torino (http://www.tlc-networks.polito.it/mellia) Martin May, Technicolor (http://www.thlab.net/~maym)