-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [tcgn] Re: CFP for HET-NETs'03 Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2003 19:58:49 GMT From: hetnets hetnets@comp.brad.ac.uk Reply-To: tcgn@majordomo.ieee.org To: tcgn@ieee.org
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First Announcement and Call for Papers --------------------------------------
(HET-NETs '03)
Supported by
. British Computer Society (BCS) Performance Engineering Specialist Group . Institute of Electrical and Electronic (IEE) Engineers (U.K.) . EUROPEAN COMMISSION - IST and NoE Programmes . MOTOROLA (U.K.), ERICSSON (Hungary), . ALCATEL SEL AG - SIEMENS AG - VODAFONE - SOLINET TELECOMS GmbH (Germany) . 4PLUS Technologies SA - TELETEL TELECOMS & IT (Greece) . ORSA/TIMS Applied Probability Group (U.S.A) . Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC, U.K.) . Dept. of Informatics & Telecoms, University of Athens (Greece) . Telecoms Dept., National Technical University of Athens (Greece) . Wire Communications Laboratory, University of Patras (Greece) . Telecoms Division, Nuclear Research Centre 'Demokritos' (Greece) . School of Informatics, University of Bradford (U.K.)
Monday 21st - Wednesday 23rd July, 2003 Craiglands Hotel*, Ilkley, West Yorkshire, U.K.
(* The Craiglands is a delightful Victorian country hotel on the edge of the beautiful Yorkshire Dales and near the famed Ilkley Moor.)
Over recent years a considerable amount of effort has been devoted, both in industry and academia, towards the performance modelling, evaluation and convergence of multi-service networks of diverse technology, such as IP, ATM, MPLS, D-WDM, IPO, WLL, xDSL, Metro-WDM, Gigabit Ethernet, WLAN, Ad-hoc as well as GSM, GPRS, 3G UMTS mobile systems and all-optical networks. However, many interesting and important traffic engineering, technological and performance issues need to be addressed and resolved before a global and wide-scale integrated broadband network infrastructure can be established for the efficient support of multimedia applications. These include the design and dimensioning of 3G and 4G networks with quality of service (QoS) quarantees and also the design and development of generic evaluation platforms capable of measuring the performance of heterogeneous networks, services inter-operability and applications. Moreover, robust quantitative methodologies are needed, such as those based on novel queueing network models, neural networks and stochastic Petri nets, leading to both credible and cost-effective approximations and algorithms for the performance prediction of heterogeneous networks. These powerful and realistic tools applied to the analysis of other types of discrete flow systems, such as computer systems, transportation networks and flexible manufacturing systems, may also be, by analogy, of relevance.
The aim of the First International Working Conference on Heterogeneous Networks (HET-NET '03) is to contribute to fundamental research in networks of diverse technology and internetworking issues and focus on their performance/reliability modelling and analysis. As in earlier performance modelling and evaluation ATM & IP events in Bradford and Ilkley, U.K., the Working Conference provides the friendly and informal atmosphere in which participants from all over the world exchange new concepts and ideas and discuss new operational solutions and research initiatives. In particular, delegates are encouraged to address
. Traffic engineering and performance modelling aspects of existing and emerging 3G & 4G Internet technologies towards the convergence of telecommunications, networking and broadcasting.
. Design and development of performance evaluation platforms for multi-services inter-operability and heterogeneous networks
. Analytic and simulation methodologies for QNMs and SPNs with self similar and multi-fractal traffic models of long-range (LRD) versus short-range (SRD) dependence and their approximation, with tolerable accuracy, by simpler traffic processes.
It is envisaged that HET-NETs '03 will make an effective contribution to both structuring research in the performance modelling field and spreading the excellence worldwide.
General Chair ------------- Demetres Kouvatsos, Bradford, U.K.
Co-Chairs --------- Special Track for Performance Modelling Studies Daniel Kofman, Paris, France
Special Track for Performance Measurement Platforms Michael Dopfer, Siemens AG, Germany
Special Track for Methodologies and Analytic Tools Ioannis Stavrakakis, Athens, Greece
Provisional Scientific Committees ---------------------------------
Special Track for Performance Modelling Studies ---------------------------------------------- Ake Arvidsson, Ericsson, Sweden Tulin Atmaca, Paris, France Monique Becker, Evry, France Andre-Luc Beylot, Toulouse, France Mark Bromirski, Zegrze, Poland Herwig Bruneel, Ghent, Belgium Olga Casals, Catalunya, Spain Marco Conti, CNUCE, Italy Costas Courcoubetis, Heraklion, Greece Laurie Cuthbert, London, U.K. Tamas Henk, Budapest, Hungary Helmut Hlavacs, Vienna, Austria Frank Huebner-Szabo de Bucs, AT&T Labs, U.S.A. Ilias Iliadis, IBM Zurich, Switzerland Villy Baek Iversen, Lyngby, Denmark Andrzej Jajszczyk, Cracow, Poland Laszlo Jereb, Budapest, Hungary Johan Karlsson, Lund, Sweden Peter Key, Microsoft Research, UK Stefan Köhler, Wuerzburg, Germany Kimon Kontovassilis, Athens, Greece Ulf Korner, Lund, Sweden Paul Kuehn, Stuttgart, Germany Yoni Levy, AT&T Labs, U.S.A. Renato Lo Cigno, Trento, Italy Michael Logothetis, Patras, Greece Michela Meo, Torino, Italy Nicholas Mitrou, Athens, Greece Cantor Molnar, Budapest, Hungary Victor Netes, Komset, Moscow, Russia Michal Pioro, Warsaw, Poland Jonathan Pitts, London, U.K. Guy Pujolle, Paris, France Roberto Sabella, Ericson, Sweden Phuoc Tran-Gia, Wuerzburg, Germany Kurt Tutschku, Wuerzburg, Germany Michel Riguidel, Paris, France Maria Simon, Montevideo, Uruguay Geoff Smith, Strathclyde, U.K. Rob van der Mei, Telecom, Netherlands Jorma Virtamo, Helsinki, Finland Hideaki Yamashita, Tokyo, Japan
Special Track for Performance Measurement Platforms --------------------------------------------------- Frank Ball, Oxford, UK Miklos Boda, Ericsson, Hungary Arnold Eppler, Alcatel SEL AG, Germany Franz Erhart, Siemens AG, Germany Michael Esser, Vodafone, Germany Boris Grabner, Telekom, Austria John Griffiths, London, U.K. Gerard Hebuterne, Evry, France David Hutchison, Lancaster, U.K Vangelis Kollias, Teletel SA, Greece Madjid Merabti, Liverpool, U.K. Lewis McKenzie, Glasgow, U.K. Raif Onvural, Allied Telelesyn Int., U.S.A. Roger Peplow, Natal, South Africa Guido Petit, Alcatel SEL AG, Belgium Andreas Pollok, Siemens AG, Germany Lisa Ritchie, Solinet GmbH, Germany Christian Schmitt, Solinet GmbH, Germany William Skelton, Solinet GmbH, Germany Spyros Tombros, 4Plus SA, Greece Spyros Velentzas, Motorola, U.K. Anthony Wiles, PTCC, ETSI, U.K. Colin Willcock, Nokia Research Centre, U.K.
Special Track for Methodologies and Analytic Tools -------------------------------------------------- Tayfur Altiok, Rutgers, U.S.A. Eitan Altman, INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis, France Vladimir Anisimov, Kiev, Ukraine Simonetta Balsamo, Venice, Italy Chris Blondia, Antwerp, Belgium Sem Borst, Amsterdam, Netherlands Pavel Botsarov, Moscow, Russia Richard Boucherie, Amsterdam, Netherlands Onno Boxma, Eindhoven, Netherlands Alexandre Brandwajn, Santa Cruz, U.S.A. Vicente Casares-Giner, Valencia, Spain Ram Chakka, Norfolk, U.S.A. Tadeusz Czachorski, Gliwice, Poland Yves Dallery, Paris, France Lorenzo Donatiello, Bologna, Italy Error Gelenbe, Duke, U.S.A. Nicolas Georganas, Ottawa, Canada Klaus Hackbarth, Santander, Spain Guenter Haring, Vienna, Austria Peter Harrison, London, U.K. Boudewijn Haverkort, Aachen, Germany Frank Kelly, Cambridge, U.K. Peter King, Edinburgh, U.K. Ernest Koenigsberg, Berkeley, California, U.S.A. Udo Krieger, T-Systems Nova GmbH, Germany Isi Mitrani, Newcastle, U.K. Jogesh Muppala, Kowloon, Hong Kong Mohamed Oul-Khaoua, Glasgow, U.K. John Schormans, London, U.K. Harris Skianis, Athens, Greece Maciej Stasiak, Poznan, Poland Yutaka Takahashi, Kyoto, Japan Nigel Thomas, Durham University, U.K. Tulio Tolio, Milano, Italy Manolo Villen-Altamirano, Telefonica I+D, Spain Sabine Wittevrongel, Ghent, Belgium Michael Woodward, Bradford, U.K. David Yao, Columbia, U.S.A.
Local Organising Committee -------------------------- Salam Assi, Bradford, U.K. Irfan Awan, Bradford, U.K Rod Fretwell, Bradford, U.K. Wie Li, Bradford, U.K. Geyong Min, Bradford, U.K. Is-Haka Mkwawa, Bradford, U.K. Kevin Smith, Bradford, U.K. Sotiris Tantos, Bradford, U.K. Athanasios Tsokanos, Bradford, U.K.
Contributions are encouraged on, but are not limited to, the performance modelling and evaluation, including reliability and pricing, of
. QoS Provisioning in Heterogeneous Systems . QoS based Protocols for Heterogeneous Networks . Modeling and Analysis of Heterogeneous Internet Access . 3G and 4G Internet Protocols over Heterogeneous Networks . Switch Architectures for Heterogeneous Networks . Inter-operability of Wireless, Terrestrial and Satellite Networks . Multiservice Mobile and Optical Networks . Multimedia Traffic Measurement, Management, Modelling and Characterisation . Congestion, Flow and Call Admission Control Schemes . Cell/Packet Level Scheduling and Resource Allocation Strategies . Flow and Congestion Control Functions and Procedures . QoS Routing, Load Balancing Techniques and Network Resilience . Multimedia over Packet-based Networks . Analysis of Queueing Network Models with Blocking, Neural Networks and Stochastic Petri Nets . Parallel and Distributed Simulation . Real-time Voice/Video Transport over Heterogeneous Networks . Efficiency of Adaptation Layer and Transport Protocols . QoS Performance Testing and Measurements . Security Mechanisms vs Performance in Heterogeneous Networks . Internetworking Issues and Experiments . Other Performance Modelling Applications to Computer and Parallel Systems, Distributed Systems, Transportation Networks and Production Systems
Based on the pattern established at the IFIP ATM & IP Working Conferences in Bradford (1994), Ilkley (1995-1998, 2000), Antwerp (1999) and Budapest (2001), the Technical Programme of the International Working Conference HET-NETs '03 will combine research and tutorial papers from industry and academia on current developments in the theory and practice of performance modelling and evaluation issues of heterogeneous networks worldwide. In addition, poster research papers will be solicited, industrial demonstrations will be organised and special sessions of practical industrial papers and research works in progress will also be included, as appropriate.
Prospective authors of HET-NEts '03 are invited to submit to Mr Kevin Smith, Performance Modelling and Engineering Research Group, Department of Computing, University of Bradford, Bradford BD7 1DP, West Yorkshire (Tel: +44-1274-233952, Fax no.: +44-1274-233920) via E-mail address
. Research papers (for peer review) up to a maximum of 10 A4 size pages (single spaced text,
. Technical abstracts of approximately 300 words for poster contributions, industrial papers of a practical nature or academic research works in progress,
. Proposals for tutorial papers on 1-2 A4 size pages (single spaced text),
for Programme Committee and peer selection review by
Friday the 9th of May 2003.
Please note all proposed submissions should be in English and be sent as E-mail attachments using postscript, msword or pdf file format and include, as key words, a list of topics under which the authors prefer their work to be classified and presented in a related session.
Following acceptance, authors will be notified via E-mail by
Friday the 30st of May 2003
to prepare in camera ready form (single spaced text) the final versions of their papers for the
. HET-NETs '03 Technical Proceedings (ISBN to be announced) of full revised research papers up to a maximum of 10 A4 size pages which should be finalised according to the referees' remarks.
. Participants Volume of industrial papers and research works in progress of not more than 6 A4 size pages or shorter poster papers of about 3 A4 size pages.
. Participants Volume of tutorial papers of not more than 35 A4 size pages
and send electronic copies to Mr Kevin Smith hetnets@scm.brad.ac.uk by
Wednesday the 11th of June 2003.
After the event, authors of mature work will also be invited to submit extended versions of their papers up to a maximum of 25 A4 pages (single spaced text) by
Friday the 1st September 2003,
for consideration, subject to a subsequent peer review, for publication in a special journal issue on the performance modelling and evaluation of heterogeneous networks.
For further information prospective participants are welcome to contact Professor Demetres Kouvatsos, General Chair (e-mail: D.D.Kouvatsos@scm.brad.ac.uk, Tel.: +44-1274-233941, Fax: +44-1274-233920) or, any of the co-chairs, namely Daniel Kofman (e-mail: Daniel.Kofman@enst.fr), Michael Dopfer (Michael. Dopfer@siemens.com) and Ioannis Stavrakakis (istavrak@di.uoa.gr).
============================================================================ NOTE ====
There are two new special editions of the Journal of Performance Evaluation related to the theme of the IFIP HET-NETs '02 Working Conference, namely
. ATM & IP Networks: Performance Modelling and Analysis, Special Issue of the Journal of Performance Evaluation, Demetres Kouvatsos (Guest Ed.), North-Holland, Elsevier, 2002.
. Queueing Networks with Blocking, Special Issue of the Journal of Performance Evaluation, Demetres Kouvatsos and Simonetta Balsamo (Guest Eds.), North-Holland, Elsevier 2003.
The table of contents, abstracts and full-text PDF files of these special issues are available from the Journal's listing on ScienceDirect, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/01665316. ============================================================================