-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [InternetTC] [CFP] The 10th IEEE International Conference on Smart Data (SmartData 2024) Datum: Wed, 24 Apr 2024 18:00:00 +0800 Von: Wayne Chiu weichdtu@GMAIL.COM An: itc@COMSOC.ORG
────────────────────────────── The 10th IEEE International Conference on Smart Data (SmartData 2024) Copenhagen, Denmark. August 19-22, 2024 Website: https://ieee-cybermatics.org/2024/smartdata https://ieee-cybermatics.org/2024/smartdata ──────────────────────────────
- * Overview * -
Smart data aims to filter out the noise data and prod- uce valuable data, which can be effectively used by enter- prises and governments for planning, operation, monitoring, control, and intelligent decision making. Although unprece- dentedly large amount of sensory data can be collected with The advancement of the Cyber-Physical-Social systems, the key is to explore how big data can become smart data and offer intelligence. Advanced big data modeling and analyt- ics are indispensable for discovering the underlying struc- ture from retrieved data and further acquiring smart data.
The 10th IEEE International Conference on Smart Data ( SmartData-2024) is to promote community-wide discussion id- entifying the computational intelligence technologies and theories for harvesting smart data from big data. It will provide a high-profile, leading-edge forum for scientist, engineers and researchers to discuss and exchange novel id- eas, results, experiences and work-in-process on all aspec- ts of smart data.
- * Important Dates * -
* Workshop Proposal Due: March 1, 2024 * Paper Submission Due: May 1, 2024 * Author Notification: June 1, 2024 * Camera-Ready and Registration: June 20, 2024 * Conference Date: August 19-22, 2024
- * Topics * - Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Track 1: Data Science and Its Foundations
* Foundational Theories for Data Science * Data Classification and Taxonomy * Data Metrics and Metrology * Data inference for Smart/Big Data * Theoretical Models for Smart/Big Data
- Track 2: Smart/Big Data Infrastructure and Systems
* Cloud/Cluster/Fog/Edge Computing * Parallel Computing for Big Data * Open Source Big Data Systems * System Architecture and Infrastructure * Smart/Big Data Appliance
- Track 3: Smart/Big Data Storage and Management
* Data Collection, Transformation and Transmission * Data Integration, Cleaning and Storage * Data Query and Indexing Technologies * Distributed File/Database Systems * NewSQL/NoSQL for Smart/Big Data
- Track 4: Smart/Big Data Processing and Analytics
* Smart/Big Data Search, Mining, Drilling * Machine Learning/Deep Learning * Brain/Nature-Inspired Computing * Secure/Privacy-Preserving/Differentially Private Computing * Visualization Analytics for Smart/Big Data
- Track 5: Smart/Big Data Applications
* Parallel Computing for Big Data * Smart/Big Data Applications in All Fields * Data as a Service (DaaS) * Smart/Big Data Opening, Sharing, and Trading * Ethic Issues in Big/ Smart Data
- Track 6:Smart/Big Data in Internet of Things (IoT)
* Network Design, Scheduling and Optimization for Smart/Big Data in IoT * Age of Information for Data Collection and Analytics in IoT * Learning-based Decision-making with Smart/Big Data in IoT * Mobile Data Collection, Transmission and Analytics in IoT * Smart/Big Data in Blockchain-based IoT Systems * Smart/Big Data for Industrial IoT * New Models, Algorithms and Methods for Smart City with Smart/Big Data
- * Paper Submission Guidelines * -
Each paper is limited to 8 pages for regular papers and 6 pages for workshop papers in IEEE Computer Society proceedings format (or up to 2 extra pages with page over length charge if it is accepted), including tables, figu- res, references and appendices. All papers need to be su- bmitted electronically through the corresponding websites with PDF format. Paper submissions must be made electronically throu- gh the conference submission website (EDAS) using the fo- llowing link: https://edas.info/N32144 https://edas.info/N32144
- * Organising Committee * -
* General Chairs *
* Gerhard Hancke, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Ko- ng, China * Robert Deng, Singapore Management University, Singapore * Xiaodung Lin, University of Guelph, Canada * Chunjie Cat, Hainan University, China
* Program Chairs *
* Alessandro Brigante, University of Padova, Italy * Domenico Ciuonzo, University of Naples "Federico II", Italy * Wenjuan Li, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
* Program Vice-Chairs *
* Leo Yu Zhang, Griffith University, Australia * Zuotao Lian, University of Aizu, Japan * Wenjia Li, New York Institute of Technology, USA
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