-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [KuVS ELG] Cfp: MAPPS'10 in conjunction with MOBILWARE'10 - Chicago, USA Datum: Sun, 28 Feb 2010 22:57:48 +0100 Von: Claudia Linnhoff-Popien linnhoff@ifi.lmu.de Antwort an: linnhoff@ifi.lmu.de An: elg@kuvs.de CC: Peter Ruppel peter.ruppel@ifi.lmu.de, stephan.verclas@t-systems.com
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========================================================================== Call for Papers:
International Workshop on Mobile and Location-based Business Applications (MAPPS2010)
in conjunction with The Third International ICST Conference on MOBILe Wireless MiddleWARE, Operating Systems, and Applications (MOBILWARE 2010)
June 30 - July 2, 2010 - Chicago, USA
Important dates:
15 Apr 2010: paper submission deadline 15 May 2010: author notification 31 May 2010: camera ready version deadline
Accepted papers will be published in the Springer Lecture Notes of ICST (LNICST) ==========================================================================
Workshop theme:
Location-based Services (LBS) are becoming more and more important for business. Central to LBS are location and context information as well as mechanisms to use such information including navigation, tracking and resource planning for better usage of resources. The deployment of such LBS faces the problems of privacy and security as well as the multiplicity of the mobile platforms and also the difficulties for back-end and workflow integration. Location to Business (L2B) communication includes all these aspects of processes and technologies which are needed to explore location information and mobile technologies for successful integration to business applications. Such mobile business applications extend standard business applications and they are of great interest in application programming interfaces and management.
This one-day workshop intends to bring together researchers, professionals and practitioners to discuss and address recent developments and challenges for the design, operation and backend integration of mobile business applications.
Specifically, we solicit original research contributions in the following areas:
* Localization and tracking of people and goods for enterprise interests * Presence detection and tracing for L2B applications * Architectures and Platforms for outdoor and indoor positioning technologies focusing business and workflow integration (e.g. GPS, Galileo, WiFi, WiMAX, LTE, Cell Id, ...) * Indoor and short range positioning (e.g. RFID, NFC, UWB, Bar code, WiFi) * Enterprise Location-based Services (E-LBS) for quality management in business processes * Mobile integration of Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Supply Chain Management (SCM) Systems * Mobile and viral marketing, couponing, social network integration and mobile payment * Integrating digital secure cards, like ID cards, drivers license * Mobile Care Applications for Ambient Assisted Living * Augmented reality for object localization and mobile navigation * Device independent mobile programming paradigms and principles * Easy to use principles for Location-based Mobile Business Applications
Workshop chairs:
* Claudia Linnhoff-Popien (LMU Munich, Germany) * Peter Ruppel (LMU Munich, Germany) * Stephan Verclas (T-Systems International GmbH, Germany)
Program Committee:
* Alapan Arnab (T-Systems, South Africa) * Eduard Babulak (University of the South Pacific, Fiji) * Lothar Borrmann (Siemens AG, Germany) * Nico Deblauwe (IWT-agency for Innovation, Belgium) * Jerry Zeyu Gao (San Jose State University, USA) * Mario Jaritz (T-Mobile, Germany) * Mikkel Baun Kjærgaard (Aarhus University, Danmark) * Axel Küpper (Technical University Berlin, Germany) * Peter Reichl (FTW Vienna, Austria) * Gregor Schiele (University of Mannheim, Germany) * Roland Schwaiger (Deutsche Telekom, Germany) * Thomas Strang (German Aerospace Center, Germany) * Sean Taylor (Redwood Technologies, UK)
Accepted papers (up to 12 single-column pages) will be published in the Springer Lecture Notes of ICST (LNICST). Please visit the workshop website for detailed submission guidelines and author instructions: