-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] ACM MobiArch 2016 - Call for Papers - New York, USA Datum: Tue, 5 Apr 2016 10:02:46 -0400 Von: Michele Nogueira michele.nogueira@GMAIL.COM Antwort an: Michele Nogueira michele.nogueira@GMAIL.COM An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG
11th ACM Workshop on Mobility in the Evolving Internet Architecture (MobiArch) 2016 ** In conjunction with ACM MOBICOM 2016 ** October 3, 2016 New York, USA
Recent years have witnessed mobile devices surpassing stationary Internet hosts in numbers and exponential growth of mobile data traffic. Wireless has quickly become the dominant last-hop access to the Internet. The mobility of users, devices and networks has become an integral part of today’s Internet. In the meantime, the network infrastructure is the process of transforming from a hardware dominated landscape to an increasingly virtualized and software-defined, cloud-based system with decreasing dependency on hardware. The increasing ability to collect and process large amount of data pertaining to network, devices, and users is posing new challenges to network design. As these trends continue in the near future, a reexamination is urgently required for the architecture of the mobile-centric Internet. Particularly, there is a need to deal with new opportunities and challenges as a result of the support of information and contents, the availability of software defined architecture, the computational support from the cloud, the emerging spectrum access techniques and the massive amount of data.
MobiArch 2016 has mobile Internet data analysis as the central theme, a new rising and challenging networking environment that mixes the mobility of users and the design of mobile services and networks with the analysis of data coming from the network, the devices and the applications. The emergence of Cloud-dependent mobile services and the widespread growth of user-generated data, as well as the ever increasing use of cellular and wireless technologies, are leading to the collection of a vast amount of user mobility data as well as measurements of network states and service provisioning elements. In this context, various networking challenges rise such as seamless IP mobility management, the definition of algorithms correlating user mobility and application usages, the online or offline exploitation of large amount of mobility and usage data from the access network and user devices, the possibility of offload computing tasks, whole application or part of device operating system to the cloud, possible algorithm correlating traffic offloading to content offloading and application offloading as a consequence of mobile data analysis, pattern inference and estimation, etc. To tackle these challenges, various issues need to be addressed, such as efficient mobility management and optimization, security and privacy, multi-homing, transport over wireless access, user incentives to reduce network congestion, incentives for network providers to deploy new/alternative mobile Internet infrastructure, incentives for service developers/providers to define new mobile services, efficient multimedia content distribution, information centric networking solutions, collection and management of data, new business models for mobile data, to related operational concerns and legal issues.
MobiArch 2016 welcomes submissions from both researchers and practitioners from academia and industry that explore challenges and advances in architectures, protocols, and technologies in the current Internet or in the future clean-slate Internet. The workshop supports all topics that target to support mobility, with an emphasis on new network design for high performance mobile applications and services, efficient support of mobile contents, software defined architecture, data-driven mobile network management, as well as cloud-aware architecture and services. Besides technical papers, we also encourage work-in-progress papers, and welcome position papers that describe highly original ideas, present new directions, or generate insightful discussion at the workshop.
All aspects around architectural issues and system support for mobility in the Internet, including but not limited to:
* Architectures and protocols for mobility support at all layers of the Internet protocol stack, as well as cross-layer approaches * Future Internet architecture for efficient mobility support * Mobile network management and architecture design with data analysis and learning * Software defined and/or cloud–assisted mobile networking * Network virtualization in mobile Internet architecture * Impact of connected vehicles on Internet architecture design * Impact of device-to-device communications on Internet architecture design * New wireless technologies and services and their impact on the Internet architecture * Mobile data sensing and fusion * Impact of Information Centric Networking on mobile and wireless networks * Seamless mobility in heterogeneous networks * Location management, positioning and data management for wireless and mobility * Accounting, access control, security and privacy issues and their impact on the Internet architecture * Social, economic, scalability and deployment issues * Cognitive networks design
* Submissions deadline: May 15, 2016 (11:59 PM, EST) * Notification of acceptance: June 19, 2016 * Camera-ready version: July 17, 2016 * MobiArch Workshop Day: October 3, 2016
Xiaoming Fu, University of Goettingen Rittwik Jana AT&T Labs Research Marco Gruteser, Rutgers University Joerg Ott, Aalto University Katherine Guo, Bell Labs Research Jon Crowcroft, University of Cambridge Stefano Secci, UPMC
Submissions must present original results. Selected papers will be forward-looking, describe their relationship to existing work, and have impact and implications for ongoing or future research. Submitted papers must be no more than 6 pages long (for regular papers) and no more than 3 pages long (for position papers), two columns, with no characters in smaller than 10 point fonts, and must fit properly on US "Letter"-sized paper (8.5x11 inches). Margins must be of 1 inch on all edges (top, bottom, left, and right) of each page. All paper submission will be handled via Easychair. Papers will be reviewed single blind.
Michele Nogueira michele@inf.ufpr.br, Federal University of Paraná, Brazil Xin Wang x.wang@stonybrook.edu, Stony Brook University, USA
______________________________________________________________ IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications http://committees.comsoc.org/tccc/ TCCC Announce: For announcements concerning computer networking and communications. tccc-announce@comsoc.org https://comsoc-listserv.ieee.org/