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1st International Workshop on Interoperable Vehicles
(IOV 2008)
March 26, 2008
Zurich, Switzerland
In Cooperation with Internet of Things 2008
For a couple of years, some initial telematics services that inform the driver about current road and traffic conditions are already in the market. With new wireless communication capabilities available like WLAN, WiMAX or UMTS, many additional services become feasible. Therefore, one of the major automotive trends is keeping both the vehicle and the driver seamlessly connected with their environment, providing high-quality traffic related information, increasing active safety and offering passengers high-bandwidth internet connectivity. In the automotive domain, universal connectivity of vehicles in particular enables the implicit sharing of up-to-date traffic- and road related context information. On the one hand, the vehicles require information from the route ahead in order to optimally support the driver. On the other hand, the local knowledge of vehicles which is based on a variety of on-board sensor systems can also contribute to support other (not necessarily automotive) services.
In this regard, the workshop aims to establish a forum to bring together research professionals in both academia and industry to address the technical, economic, systems and application issues related to Interoperable Vehicles.
The topics of interest include (but not limited to):
- In-vehicle knowledge management and knowledge distribution among vehicles
- Novel applications for (or based on) connected vehicles
- Multi-Channel / Hybrid Connectivity
- Network management and scalability
- Service discovery and service provisioning
- Security and Privacy
- Concurrent use of multiple applications via the available channels
- Business models for market introduction / Role out strategies
This workshop will be held on March 26, 2007 in Zurich, at the Conference Hotel of Internet of Things 2008.
Paper submission deadline: January 11, 2008
Notification of acceptance: February 9, 2008
Camera Ready Deadline: March 1, 2008
Authors are invited to submit full papers presenting new research related to the theory or practice of interoperable vehicles, describing original, research work not published and are not currently under review elsewhere.
Submissions should be single-column and not exceed 18 pages in Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) format.
Paper submissions should be anonymized to facilitate blind review. Authors are encouraged to take care throughout the entire document to minimize references that may reveal the identity of the authors or their institutions.
Please submit your paper and your contact information to the following address:
Robert Lasowski, Softlab Group, Germany
Markus Strassberger, BMW Group Research and Technology, Germany
Hannes Hartenstein, University Karlsruhe
Claudia Linnhoff-Popien, University Munich
Irene Karanasiou, National Technical University of Athens
Tim Leinmüller, DENSO Automotive
Andreas Festag, NEC Europe Ltd
Helmut Dohmann, University of Applied Sciences Fulda