The final and hard deadline for NEW2AN 2008 and ruSMART 2008 is April 21, 2008 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The 8th International Conference on Next Generation Teletraffic and Wired/Wireless Advanced Networking NEW2AN 2008
September 01 - 05, 2008 St.Petersburg, Russia
co-located with The 1st conference on Smart Spaces ruSMART
About the Conference
Next-generation mobile networks will evolve out of existing wired and wireless networks of different nature by means of convergence, fusion and mutual penetration; next-generation multimedia services in turn pose new requirements and challenges on treatment of traffic within communication systems – a certain degree of multilayer co-operation has to be achieved. This forms a framework on harmonization of results obtained separately in different areas of network research like network performance evaluation, architecture and protocol design, and low layer network design. The conference goal is in the identification, investigation and integration of new algorithms, approaches, architectures, methods and mechanisms to enable proper and efficient operation of a next-generation IP-based wireless network. Special emphasis will be given to next-generation traffic issues, it indeed remains true that much uncertainty surrounds the future traffic features and volumes, mainly because of converged type of traffic resulted from converged network operation under converged services and applications. Moreover, wireless access networks and their interaction shall be widely examined and addressed throughout the conference. The history of NEW2AN dates back to 1993, today it is an established conference featured by proceedings published by Springer LNCS and distinguished invited speakers.
The NEW2AN and ruSMART will be held in St. Petersburg, Russia - the meeting point of East and West. Through its stunning architecture and wonderful art galleries and museums, among a number of other attractions, the wealth of history of East and West can be seen and felt in this beautiful city.
Topics of interest
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
* New Teletraffic and Network Traffic Challenges and Paradigms * Emerging Teletraffic Models and Tools * Future Internet Services: Teletraffic and Performance Issues * Traffic Classification and Characterization * Performance Evaluation of Mobile and Wireless Networks * Multidisciplinary Approaches for Traffic Analysis and Management * Traffic Engineering & QoS in all-IP Networks * Network Modeling, Simulation, Emulation and Tomography * Network Planning and Network Engineering * Resource Management and Congestion control * Traffic and performance monitoring in Future Networks * Overlay Networks * 3G and Beyond Networks * Autonomic Communications * Ad hoc and Sensor Networks * Wireless Mesh and Multi-Hop Networks * Heterogeneous Wireless Access Networks * Wireless Protocols * Mobility Management * Medium Access Control Protocols and Scheduling Techniques for Wireless Systems * Cross-layer Interactions * Applications for Multimedia-enabled Wired And Wireless all-IP Networks * Network Security * AAA, pricing, charging and billing for Wireless Technologies
Paper submission
Authors are invited to submit full papers in English of not more than 20 double-spaced pages, 12 pt font size. All papers must include a title, complete contact information for all authors, and keywords on the cover page. The corresponding author should be identified clearly. Papers must be submitted electronically (in PDF format) via on-line submission procedure. Proceedings will be published by LNCS Springer. Selected best papers will appear in a journal special issue.
Important dates
Paper submission April 21, 2008 Notification of acceptance May 26, 2008 Camera ready version June 09, 2008 Conference dates September 1 - 5 , 2008
The Conference is organized by
Tampere University of Technology (Finland) and BalticIT (Russia) in cooperation with ITC (International Teletraffic Congress), IEEE Russia Northwest BT/CE/COM Chapter, Popov Society, and support of NOKIA.
For further and up-to-date information please visit official web page of the Conference
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The 1st Russian Conference on Smart Spaces ruSMART 2008 September 05, 2008 St.Petersburg, Russia
co-located with
The 8th International Conference on Next Generation Teletraffic and Wired/Wireless Advanced Networking NEW2AN 2008 September 01 - 05, 2008 St.Petersburg, Russia
About the Conference
Recent advances in the field of wireless networks have moved them beyond their traditional areas of application to a much broader scope. They form a space where users can access a number of wireless technologies to interact with various services. Similarly, existent and future services form a space providing an unlimited set of possibilities ranging from browsing to interactive video conversations. All these layers form a smart environment that can harmonize a number of technologies at each architectural layer to provide the best user experience.
This conference will explore and explain the scope and challenges of smart spaces. In this regard, the conference aims to bring together research professionals from diverse fields including but not limited to wireless communication, ubiquitous networks, software development, multimedia, services, and business in both academia and industry.
The 1st Russian Conference on Smart Spaces ruSMART 2008 will take place on September 5th, 2008. It will be co-located with the 8th International Conference Next Generation Teletraffic and Wired/Wireless Advanced Networking NEW2AN 2008.
The ruSMART 2008 will be held in St. Petersburg, Russia - the meeting point of East and West. Through its stunning architecture and wonderful art galleries and museums, among a number of other attractions, the wealth of history of East and West can be seen and felt in this beautiful city. Topics of interest
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
- Wireless technologies for smart spaces - Heterogeneous communication technologies for smart spaces - Personal and body networks, wearable computing - Distributed and pervasive services - Service discovery and composition in smart environments - Convergence of technologies for smart space - Smart environments for home, city, office, shop, persons, transport, car, hospital, etc - Business models for smart spaces - Social, and economic aspects and problems of smart space - Architecture and platforms for smart space - Tools for modeling smart spaces - Smart Logistics - Heterogeneous sensor information fusion in smart space - Decision fusion in smart spaces - Ubiquitous computing and ubiquitous communication within smart space and with external environment - Intelligent multi-modal user interface and impact of combined use of various human-computer interface modalities - Smart space and ambient intelligence - Learning technologies in smart spaces
Paper submission
Authors are invited to submit full papers in English of not more than 20 double-spaced pages, single column, 12pt font size (reviewer-friendly format). All papers must include a title, complete contact information for all authors, and keywords on the cover page. The corresponding author should be identified clearly. Papers must be submitted electronically (in PDF format) via on-line submission procedure. Proceedings will be published by LNCS Springer combined with NEW2AN 2008 proceedings. Accepted papers would not be more than 12 pages in LNCS format. Selected best papers will appear in a journal special issue.
Important dates
Paper submission April 21, 2008 Notification of acceptance May 26, 2008 Camera ready version June 09, 2008 Conference dates September 5 , 2008
The Conference is organized by
Nokia Research Center (Finland), Tampere University of Technology (Finland) and BalticIT (Russia) in cooperation with ITC (International Teletraffic Congress), IEEE Russia Northwest BT/CE/COM Chapter, Popov Society, and support of NOKIA.
For further and up-to-date information please visit official web page of the Conference
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