-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: IEEE PerCom 2021 Consolidated CALL FOR PAPERS for AFFILIATED EVENTS and WORKSHOPS Datum: Tue, 29 Sep 2020 09:15:01 +0200 Von: Elisabetta Biondi elisabetta.biondi@IIT.CNR.IT An: tciin@COMSOC.ORG
=================================================================================== IEEE PerCom 2021 / CONSOLIDATED CALL FOR PAPERS FOR AFFILIATED EVENTS AND WORKSHOPS March 22-26, 2021 - Kassel, Germany www.percom.org =================================================================================== PerCom is the premier scholarly venue in the areas of pervasive computing and communications. Detailed information about the scope of events, paper submission process, etc. can be obtained at http://www.percom.org/ and also at the URLs given below.
AFFILIATED EVENTS (www.percom.org)
PerCom'21 Industry Track This year, PerCom continues the dedicated Industry Track. Accepted papers will be published in the PerCom Workshops and other Affiliated Events proceedings. This track will be an opportunity for people associated with industry and academia to present their novel ideas while attracting funding and/or further expanding collaborations. These papers will be presented with focus on research that has direct Industry impact and potential for industry uptake. For this track, important criteria for papers to be submitted to the Industry Track is clear industrial association, either in the form of extensive evaluation of research results in industrial use cases or active participation of industry representatives as co-authors. Having this condition in mind, contributions related to ongoing or finished, but previously unpublished research papers are welcomed. Submissions from a broad spectrum of research fields with common interest in pervasive computing and communications are expected. There will be a Best Industry Track Paper Award to acknowledge and encourage excellence in collaborative industry research. (Paper submission: November 9, 2020)
PerCom'21 Work in Progress The Work in Progress (WiP) session provides an opportunity to present and discuss new challenges and visions, showcase early research results, and explore novel research directions. Papers (4 pages in the IEEE proceedings format) are expected to report on early or ongoing research on any aspect of pervasive computing and communications. The authors of accepted papers will present their work during the main conference and must register for the conference. (Paper submission: December 15, 2020)
PerCom'21 Demos The PerCom Demo session provides a venue for the latest breakthroughs in pervasive computing to be presented live to the research community. Demos ranging from examples of working prototypes, novel applications, groundbreaking ideas, and live experiments related to PerCom are all welcome. In particular, we encourage demos from industrial researchers who are leading the way in pushing pervasive technology into the hands of the public. A "Best Demo Award" will be presented based on research value, originality, and presentation. (Paper submission: December 5, 2020)
PerCom'21 PhD Forum The PerCom PhD Forum provides an excellent opportunity for Ph.D. students to present their dissertation research, including work in progress, to the wider pervasive computing and communication community. This meeting offers an opportunity to share experiences with other Ph.D. students and meet with accomplished international researchers and obtain feedback from them. Please refer to the conference website for details. (Paper submission: December 18, 2020)
The 6th IEEE PerCom Workshop on Pervasive Health Technologies (PerHealth 2021) http://perhealth.eecs.wsu.edu PerHealth 2021 is a cross-disciplinary workshop that brings researchers from engineering, computer science, and medicine together to discuss the latest findings in this area and advance the field. Pervasive health research spans a broad spectrum and health-focused technologies ranging from mobile health and health information technology to medical devices, telemedicine, and personalized healthcare. The interactive workshop will be inspiring for anyone conducting research in the area of pervasive health and related fields. This includes research in technology design and development as well as clinical studies and novel application areas. The aim is to provide a forum where hardware, software, and middleware technologies, as well as data privacy and security issues are discussed that relate to aging in place, geriatrics, chronic disease management, health management, or that could help people with disabilities. (Paper submission: November 9, 2020)
The 17th Workshop on Context and Activity Modeling and Recognition (CoMoRea'21) http://comorea.org/ The CoMoRea Workshop is a follow-up to a successful 16 years series of workshops on Context and Activity Modeling and Recognition (CoMoReA) and the ACOMORE Symposium. This workshop's aim is to advance the state of the art in context and activity modeling and reasoning and discuss fundamental issues in context processing and management. The goal is to identify concepts, theories and methods applicable to context modeling and context reasoning as well as system-oriented issues related to the design and implementation of context-aware systems. (Paper submission: November 9, 2020)
IEEE First International Workshop on Deep Learning in Pervasive Computing (PerDL) https://sites.google.com/view/perdl2021/homepage The PerDL workshop aims to bring together practitioners and researchers working on pervasive computing and on deep learning, by soliciting contributions on the following topics: advances in pervasive and distributed deep learning techniques and algorithms; theories, models and novel algorithms for rendering deep learning suitable to pervasive and distributed computing; novel applications of deep learning techniques in the context of pervasive and distributed computing; technological innovations making possible the integration of deep learning and pervasive computing; fog and edge computing techniques for deep learning; research to make the computational complexity of deep learning methods suitable for distributed devices; studies to efficiently distribute and retrieve great amounts of data useful for deep learning algorithms; deep learning techniques to improve the performance of pervasive and parallel computations. (Paper submission: November 9, 2020)
The 5th International Workshop on Annotation of User Data for Ubiquitous Systems (ARDUOUS ) https://text2hbm.org/arduous/ Labelling user data is a central part of the design and evaluation of pervasive systems that aim to support the user through situation-aware reasoning. It is essential both in designing and training the system to recognise and reason about the situation, either through the definition of a suitable situation model in knowledge-driven applications, or through the preparation of training data for learning tasks in data-driven models. Hence, the quality of annotations can have a significant impact on the performance of the derived systems. Labelling is also vital for validating and quantifying the performance of applications. With pervasive systems relying increasingly on large datasets for designing and testing models of users' activities, the process of data labelling is becoming a major concern for the community. Even more, with the increase of pervasive applications relying on annotated data, it becomes important to develop standards and normalisation methodologies for transferability of annotated data across different applications. To address the problem, this year's workshop focuses on methods for standardisation and normalisation in annotation practices and possible roadmaps and good practices in addressing the associated challenges. (Paper submission: November 9, 2020)
The 5th Workshop on emotion awareness for pervasive computing - beyond traditional approaches (EmotionAware) https://www.comtec.eecs.uni-kassel.de/emotionaware/ An important goal of pervasive computing is to integrate computer devices into the users' everyday life seamlessly. This allows context-aware applications to gather information about the users to support them in their daily tasks. A newly attractive source of information for pervasive computing is provided by mobile devices, wearable devices, and pervasive sensors able to detect the emotional state of the users. In many real-world scenarios, it is essential to use wearable sensors, embedded in mobile devices such as smartphones and smartwatches, to measure the emotional state of the user. This would help to understand how emotions influence processes such as decision making and reasoning. We aim to have unique contributions addressing this challenge and to provide a discussion space to facilitate collaboration among researchers interested in emotion recognition for pervasive computing. (Paper submission: November 9, 2020)
The 3rd International Workshop on Pervasive Computing for Vehicular Systems (PerVehicle 2021) http://www.pervehicle.org/ We solicit technical papers about pervasive computing technologies including wireless networking, mobile and distributed computing, sensor systems, ambient intelligence, and smart devices in designing, managing and realizing intelligent, smart vehicular systems. The topics include: connected vehicles, VANET, FANET, ITS, mobile and pervasive computing/middleware for/by vehicles, V2X communications, UAVs, MEC, autonomous/automated vehicles, security and privacy, and any other issues in vehicular systems and networking. (Paper submission: November 9, 2020)
The Fifth IEEE International Workshop on Smart & Green Edge Computing and Networking (SmartEdge 2021) http://www.people.vcu.edu/~tnadeem/SmartEdge21/index.html Recent studies show that the amount of data generated at the edge of the Internet will be vast, incredibly rich, extremely valuable, and becoming the key enabler for data-rich edge systems and applications. SmartEdge has taken a leading role in addressing data/systems/applications interests, challenges, and research problems of the edge. This year, SmartEdge's themes are: Intelligent Edge, and Green Edge. By integrating the advances in smart devices and edge systems with the advances in machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI), the future role of smart edge systems, networks, and applications is becoming limitless and it is expected to revolutionize the future of the world within the next few years. Green Edge is a recent emerging research field that focuses on architectures and algorithms to support energy-efficient edge operation, and distributed algorithms and optimizations that make the edge a major contributor to the overall energy efficiency of the entire IoT ecosystem. (Paper submission: November 9, 2020)
The Fifth Workshop on Security, Privacy and Trust in the Internet of Things (SPT-IoT) https://sites.google.com/view/spt-iot-2021 As the adoption of the Internet of Things (IoT) increases and more data are shared through the hyperconnected networks there are more concerns associated with the security of data. Furthermore, maintaining a balance between the availability of data and users' privacy, and ensuring trust are issues that require attention to encourage the adaptability of IoT applications. The SPT-IoT workshop is organized to encourage researchers and industry practitioners to come up with innovative ideas to focus on IoT security, privacy, and trust. (Paper submission: November 9, 2020)
Pervasive Context-Aware Smart Cities and Intelligent Transportation Systems (PerAwareCity) https://sites.google.com/view/perawarecity2021 This workshop will focus on bringing together researchers and practitioners working on systems and applications in the Smart City domain. The architectural, networking and decision making aspects will be investigated and discussed. Underlying structure of Smart City systems, including different possible architectural models such as peer-to-peer, location based, server oriented, and hybrid models will be studied. Almost all smart city related problems, which are important for societal welfare, and could potentially be solved using AI techniques, can be presented in this workshop by researchers from industry and academia. In general, we want to focus on solutions of the following questions: (a) How to design city-scale smart systems with autonomous coordination capabilities; (b) How to develop intelligent decision making abilities in emergency and safety-critical systems or during medium and large-scale disasters, and (c) How to handle real-time conditions innovate computing technology for diverse societal applications to improve the human experience. We also hope to produce a post-workshop position paper providing a summary perspective and future directions for work in the area. A community of researchers and practitioners will also be created and nurtured via this workshop. (Paper submission: November 9, 2020)
Mobile and Pervasive Assistive Technologies (MPAT) https://ewserver.di.unimi.it/mpat/ The aim of MPAT workshop is to showcase recent advancements in mobile and pervasive assistive technologies, connecting researchers and practitioners working in the fields of accessibility and pervasive systems. This is motivated by the fact that mobile and pervasive devices are rapidly becoming platforms of choice to support the development of state-of-the-art assistive technologies to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities. Pervasive sensors, actuators, and IoT installations are able to provide key information about the environment and those who traverse it, while mobile devices enable general-purpose computing on the move, cutting edge sensing, and persistent connectivity. They are also compact, widespread and socially acceptable, and therefore well suited to provide assistance everywhere and at all times. These qualities can be leveraged to achieve ubiquitous assistance for everyday activities such as mobility, information access, interaction with the environment, or with other people. (Paper submission: November 9, 2020)
International Workshop on Mobile and Pervasive Internet of Things (PerIoT) https://periot.github.io/2021/ In recent years, the Internet has become increasingly pervasive allowing people to connect anytime and everywhere to achieve pervasiveness and mobility. The coupling among mobile technology, embedded objects, and a worldwide pervasive communication infrastructure constitutes the Mobile and Pervasive Internet-of-Things. The aim of International Workshop on Mobile and Pervasive Internet of Things (PerIoT) 2021 workshop is to bring together authors from the research and industrial communities, standardization bodies, and institutional entities to meet and exchange ideas on recent research, challenges and future directions on: i) the recent advances in the area of existing and emerging mobile and pervasive IoT technologies and ii) research, challenges and future directions for IoT real-world deployments in multiple production-ready application scenarios. PerIoT is organized with two main tracks in order to properly highlight the contributions related to the two main focuses of the event - 1) MPIoT Track - Mobile and Pervasive Internet of Things, and 2) IOTProD Track - Real World and Production Deployment. (Paper submission: November 9, 2020)
Workshop on sensing systems and applications using wrist worn smart devices (WristSense) https://sites.google.com/view/wristsense2021 Using sensors, computation resources, and communication interfaces available on smart watches and smart bands, it is possible to capture information about the device user, perform computation to infer the user's activities and their context, and communicate these to a smartphone or the cloud. These wrist worn smart devices represent a perfect platform to conduct research on human activity and behavior. They introduce opportunities for exploring new research problems, such as efficient classification and computation on the wearable device, offloading of computation from the user's watch to the phone or the cloud, enhancement of user experience, smart notification management, physical activity sensing, behavior modeling, and data analysis. This workshop will bring academic researchers and industry experts to collectively identify challenges and opportunities in wrist based sensing and present research to push the field forward as well as practical solutions for commercial wrist based devices. (Paper submission: November 9, 2020)
International Workshop on Pervasive Information Flow (PerFlow'21) http://www.perflow.org/ PerFlow 2021 aims to present and discuss research challenges on timely/real-time utilization of massive information flows from IoT devices. Examples of topics are IoT device collaboration, mobile data offloading, mobile crowdsensing, machine learning for sensor data streams, edge and fog computing, remote sensing and monitoring, and middleware, security, and privacy for pervasive computing. (Paper submission: November 9, 2020)
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