-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: 20th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN 2022) 25-28 July 2022, Perth, Australia Datum: Mon, 21 Mar 2022 02:46:55 -0600 Von: IEEE Industrial Electronics Society ieee-ies@auburn.edu
Dear Colleagues!
The 20th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN 2022) will be held on 25-28 July 2022, virtually from Perth, Australia. The deadline for paper submission is March 31st. INDIN is a flagship conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES), providing a forum for presentation and discussion of the state-of-art and future perspectives of industrial information technologies. Please visit the conference website at https://2022.ieee-indin.org/ for more information, including important dates, paper submission portal and template, etc. - Technical Tracks: https://2022.ieee-indin.org/technical-technical_tracks/ - Special Sessions: https://2022.ieee-indin.org/special-sessions/
We will also make every effort for publishing the conference proceedings in IEEE Xplore at the earliest possible time. ______________________________________ Important due dates: - Submission of Papers (Regular Tracks & Special Sessions): March 31st - Submission of Tutorial Proposals: March 31st - Notification of Acceptance: June 6th - Submission of Final Manuscripts: June 30th ________________________________________
Honorary Chairs: - Toshio Fukuda (Japan) - Terry Martin (USA) - Xinghuo Yu (Australia) - Kamal Al-Haddad (Canada) - Ren Luo (Taiwan)
General Co-Chairs: - Farhad Shahnia (Australia) - Yousef Ibrahim (Australia) - Valeriy Vyatkin (Finland | Sweden) - Kim Fung Man (Hing Kong)
Technical Program Chairs: - Georgios Konstantinou (Australia) - Luis Gomes (Portugal) - Armando Walter Colombo (Germany) - Milos Manic (USA)
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