-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [MM-INTEREST] Deadline for ACM Multimedia 2007 extended Datum: Mon, 2 Apr 2007 18:08:12 +0200 Von: Carsten Griwodz griff@IFI.UIO.NO Antwort an: Carsten Griwodz griff@IFI.UIO.NO An: MM-INTEREST@LISTSERV.ACM.ORG Referenzen: 46110CA4.2040308@informatik.uni-mannheim.de
Due to an overwhelming number of requests, the submission deadline for full papers to ACM Multimedia 2007 has been extended to April 16, 2007.
Summary of Call for Papers
ACM Multimedia is seeking high-quality, original papers that will set the standard in the field and stimulate the trends for years to come. We encourage submissions that address a broad range of challenges in the areas of systems and networking, content analysis, novel applications, and user interfaces. Submissions should present original reports of substantive new work, place the work within the field, cite related work, and clearly indicate its innovative aspects and contribution to the field. Papers should be prepared using the ACM template for the conference and submitted using EDAS.
The Conference
The 15th Annual ACM International Conference on Multimedia will be held in Augsburg, Germany, September 23-28, 2007. ACM Multimedia is the premier technical multimedia conference attended by an international community of researchers, practitioners, and designers from both academia and industry. ACM MM 2007 invites your participation, covering all aspects of multimedia computing: from underlying technologies to applications, theoretical foundations to experimental systems, and servers to networks to devices.
Best regards, Sunghyun Choi, Nicu Sebe, Alan Hanjalic, and Brian Bailey Technical Program Chairs for ACM MM 2007