-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] [cfp] Wireless Days 2021 - deadline approaching May 2 Datum: Sun, 25 Apr 2021 23:01:37 +0000 Von: Anna Maria Vegni annamaria.vegni@UNIROMA3.IT Antwort an: Anna Maria Vegni annamaria.vegni@UNIROMA3.IT An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG
Our apologies if you received multiple copies of this Call For Papers
CALL FOR PAPERS Wireless Days 2021
12th Wireless Days Conference (WD 2021) 30 June - 02 July, 2021 (Virtual Conference)
Technically Co-sponsored by IFIP, IEEE and IEEE Communications Society All accepted and presented papers will be published in IEEE Xplore Digital Library
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, WD 2021 will be held as a virtual conference The entire conference program will be online.
The best technical papers presented at the conference will be invited to submit an extended version for fast-track review in the following journals: - IEEE Access Special Section on Collaborative Intelligence for Internet of Vehicles - Annals of Telecommunications (Springer, ISI-indexed)
IMPORTANT DATES --------------- Paper Submission: May 2, 2021 (FIRM Deadline)
------------------------------------------------------------ Submission link: https://edas.info/N27994 ------------------------------------------------------------
Welcome to the Annual Wireless Days Conference in its 12th edition, taking place for the second time in Paris. WD is firmly establishing itself as a serious venue for the dissemination of leading-edge state of art knowledge and technologies pertaining to Wireless Communications. Since its inception, it has been offering a stimulating, live environment for discussing new research paths, discoveries, and results among professionals from both Academia and Industry and it has been nurturing fruitful exchange of ideas and positive critics among Wireless Communication and Networking experts. Wireless Days 2021 will include presentations of both theoretical and experimental achievements, innovative wireless systems, prototyping efforts, case studies, and advances in technology related to wireless networking and communication infrastructures.
The 2021 Wireless Days conference program will be split into the following tracks:
Track 1: Ad hoc and Sensor Networking Track 2: Connected & Autonomous Vehicles in Land, Water, and Sky Track 3: IoT and smart X: Networking, Cloudification, and Services Track 4: Wireless and Mobile Communications: 5G, 6G, Wifi-ng, and beyond Track 5: Wireless Models and Simulations Track 6: AI for Wireless and Mobile Networks Track 7: Wireless and mobile networking technologies for fighting pandemics (Special Track)
Due to ongoing uncertainty about future travel caused by COVID-19, WD 2021 is monitoring the situation and will consider adequate arrangements for the presentations of accepted papers as the situation evolves. We will update this information on a regular basis.
*** Submission guidelines *** ***************************** WD 2021 solicits original, unpublished work not currently under review by other conferences or journals. Papers submitted to WD 2021 will be assessed based on originality, technical soundness, clarity and interest to a wide audience. All submissions must be written in English and must use standard IEEE two-column conference template, available for download from the IEEE website: https://www.ieee.org/conferences/publishing/templates.html
Only PDF files will be accepted for the review process and all submissions must be done electronically through EDAS using the following link: https://edas.info/N27994
Technical papers can be of two types: full papers or short papers, up to 8 pages and 5 pages respectively, including tables, figures and references. Posters & Demo papers of length of 3 pages are also solicited.
*** TPC Co-Chairs *** ********************* Yassine Hadjadj-Aoul (University of Rennes 1, France). Celimuge Wu (University of Electro-Communications, Japan) Floriano De Rango (Universita della Calabria, Italy)
*** General Co-Chairs *** ************************* Yacine Ghamri-Doudane (University of La Rochelle, France) Nadjib Achir (University Sorbonne Paris Nord, France)
*** Executive Chair *** *********************** Khaled Boussetta, University Sorbonne Paris Nord, France
******** Website: https://wd2021.dnac.org/
______________________________________ Anna Maria Vegni, PhD
Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Telecommunications COMLAB - Telecommunication Lab Department of Engineering Roma Tre University Via Vito Volterra, 62 - 00146 Rome, Italy
e-mail: annamaria.vegni@uniroma3.itmailto:annamaria.vegni@uniroma3.it other: a.v.vegni@ieee.orgmailto:a.v.vegni@ieee.org, vegni@acm.orgmailto:vegni@acm.org, amvegni@bu.edumailto:amvegni@bu.edu web: http://www.comlab.uniroma3.it/newwebsite/index.php?page=vegnihttp://www.comlab.uniroma3.it/vegni.htm ph: +39.06.5733.7357 mob: +39.333.6570348 (or 87873) fax: +39.06.5733.7026
______________________________________________________________ IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications http://committees.comsoc.org/tccc/ TCCC Announce: For announcements concerning computer networking and communications. tccc-announce@comsoc.org https://comsoc-listserv.ieee.org/