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Call for papers
S-CUBE 2009
The first international conference on Sensor Systems and Software
September 7-9, 2009 - Pisa, Italy
S-CUBE - the First Conference on wireless Sensor network (WSN) Systems and Software - provides an ideal venue to address the research challenges facing system development and software support for wireless sensor networks based systems that have the potential to impact society in many ways. Currently, wireless sensor networks introduce innovative and interesting application scenarios that may support a large amount of different applications including environmental monitoring, disaster prevention, building automation, object tracking, nuclear reactor control, fire detection, agriculture, healthcare, and traffic monitoring.
The widespread acceptance of these new services can be improved by the definition of frameworks and architectures that have the potential to radically simplify software development for wireless sensor network based applications. The aim of these new architectures is to support flexible, scalable programming of applications based on adaptive middleware. As a consequence, WSNs require novel programming paradigms and technologies. Moreover the design of new complex systems, characterized by the interaction of different and heterogeneous resources, will allow the development of innovative applications that meet high performance goals. Hence, WSNs require contributions from many fields such as embedded systems, distributed systems, data management, system security and applications. The conference places emphasis on layers well above the traditional MAC and routing, and transport layer protocols.
The aim of the conference is to create a forum in which researchers from academia and industry, practitioners, business leaders, intellectual property experts and venture capitalists may work together in order to compare and debate different innovative solutions.
The conference will feature a highly selective technical program consisting of regular papers, short papers, and posters as well as specialized tracks at the intersection of business and technology.
Technical papers describing original, previously unpublished research, not currently under review by another conference or journal, are solicited. The specific topics of the conference, related to wireless sensor networks and wireless multimedia sensor networks, include but are not limited to:
. Sensor Application Programming Paradigms
. Sensor Application Development Support Systems
. Sensor Network Middleware
. Novel Sensor Applications
. Sensor Prototypes & Testbeds
. Underwater and underground wireless sensor networking
. Cooperative sensing
. Capacity planning and admission control, especially for multimedia sensor networks
. Resource management and QoS Provisioning
. Resource and service discovery
. Self organization and network management
. Security, Privacy & Trust
. P2P, overlay, and content distribution architectures for sensor networks
. Mobile sensor networking, Vehicular sensor networks and protocols
. Pervasive/embedded solutions
. Data models oriented to wireless distributed applications
. Distributed coordination algorithms including clustering and topology control
. Localization, time synchronization, coverage, connectivity and deployment issues
. Network Management and monitoring
. Modelling, analysis and performance evaluation
. Mesh networking connectivity to sensor networks
. Paper Submission Deadline: February 28th, 2009
. Notification of Acceptance: May 30th, 2009
. Camera Ready Deadline: July 1st, 2009
The proceedings of S-Cube 2009 will be published by Springer as part of the new series Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering (LNICST) and will be available through Springer's digital library (http://www.springerlink.com/).
Papers submitted to this conference must be prepared according to the formatting guidelines of LNICST. The total number of pages allowed without any extra page fee is sixteen (16). A maximum of 18 pages is allowed for each manuscript. Papers exceeding this limit as well as papers that do not meet the formatting guidelines set by Springer-Verlag LNICST will not be reviewed.
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