-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [Tccc] Call for Papers: Applied Telecommunication Symposium (extended d eadline) Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2003 09:38:24 -0600 From: Bodnar Bohdan-BBODNAR1 BBODNAR1@motorola.com To: 'tccc@cs.columbia.edu' tccc@cs.columbia.edu
CALL FOR PAPERS Applied Telecommunication Symposium (ATS) "Modeling and Simulation Challenges in Telecommunication Systems"
Part of the 2004 Advanced Simulation Technologies Conference (ASTC 2004)
April 18 through April 22, 2004 Hyatt Regency Crystal City, Arlington, Virginia, USA
The Applied Telecommunication Symposium (ATS) is an international forum for exchange of technical knowledge and presentation of original papers on the analysis of telecommunication systems and technologies. It is intended for professionals, engineers, software developers, managers, and others interested in cellular and packet traffic characteristics, analysis of telecommunication networks, and practitioners operating telecommunication networks. We are looking for innovative technical papers describing projects, applications, and research and development work pertinent to telecommunication. The following tracks (with track chairs listed) will be held; the topics are representative of the track, but are not necessarily exclusive to that track:
Wireless Chair: Dr. Hassan Rajaei, Bowling Green State University Co-chair: Dr. Mohsen Guizani, University of Michigan -CDMA -UMTS -GSM -2.5G/3G Wireless -Wireless Data -Cell Traffic -Network Performance and Engineering - Measurements - SPECIAL SESSION ON WLAN RESEARCH with particular emphasis on QoS, routing, reliability, overload/congestion control, network security, and interworking with 2.5/3G systems.
Telecommunications Business and Regulation Chair - Dr. George Kraft, Stuart School of Business, Illinois Institute of Technology -Cost modeling -Call center operations -Billing models -E-commerce
Network Management and Security Chair: Dr. Axel Lehmann, Universitaet der Bundeswehr Muenchen Co-chair: Dr. Wolfang Haidegger, Siemens/FTW -Operations, Administration, Maintenance -Overload/congestion control -Load balancing -Influence of security measures on network performance
Networks and Multimedia Chair - Dr. Aftab Ahmad, Norfolk State University -Internet QoS Architectures -Network performance - analysis and simulation -Traffic characterization -Packet switch architecture evaluation
Modeling Techniques Chair: Dr. Shakil Akhtar, UAE University, Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates Co-chair: Dr. Lev Sofman, Alcatel -Simulation techniques -Acceleration methods -Traffic synthesis -Combined simulation/analytic procedures -Metro area design and modeling
Traffic Engineering with Protocols and Devices Chair: Dr. Junaid Zubairi, SUNY at Fredonia Co-chair: Dr. Chia J. Liu, AT&T Labs -Traffic Management and control -Traffic engineering architectures -Bandwidth management -GMPLS
Draft paper or extended abstract should be submitted to
by November 17, 2003. Please indicate in the abstract for which track(s) you wish to have your paper considered for; note that the final track selection will be at the discretion of the ATS organizers. The abstract must include the author(s), e-mail address(es), and affiliation.
Further information is available at http://scs.org/confernc/astc/astc04/cfp/ats04.htm
Deadlines Abstract/Draft paper due - November 17, 2003 Notification of acceptance sent - November 30, 2003 Camera-ready paper due - January 31, 2004
Conference Committee
General Chair Dr. Bohdan Bodnar Motorola, Inc. bbodnar1@motorola.com
Co-Chair Dr. Hassan Rajaei Bowling Green State University rajaei@cs.bgsu.edu
Program Chair Dr. George Kraft Illinois Institute of Technology kraft@stuart.iit.edu
Sponsored by The Society for Modeling and Simulation International P.O. Box 17900 San Diego, CA 92177-7900 Tel 858-277-3888 Fax: 858-277-3930 E-mail scs@scs.org http://www.scs.org
Bohdan Bodnar, PhD Distinguished Member of Technical Staff System Requirements and Architecture Department Motorola, Inc. 1475 Shure Dr. Arlington Heights, IL 60004 USA Telephone: +1 847-632-5403 Mobile: +1 847-370-1540 <<Bodnar Bohdan-BBODNAR1.vcf>>
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