-------- Original Message -------- Subject: CFP: ACM Multimedia 2003, Berkeley, CA, Nov 2-8 Date: Fri, 7 Feb 2003 08:43:11 +0100 From: Carsten Griwodz griff@IFI.UIO.NO Reply-To: Carsten Griwodz griff@IFI.UIO.NO To: SIGMM-MEMBERS@ACM.ORG
Greetings from the ACM Multimedia committee. We'd like to thank all of you who attended Multimedia 2002 in Juan Les Pins in December. With the largest number of paper submissions in many years, the successful conference had an extremely strong technical program. It's now time to prepare for Multimedia 2003 to be held in Berkeley, CA in November; the enclosed CFP outlines the details.
In addition, you can now purchase from the ACM: (details below) - the conference proceedings from previous years - workshop proceedings from MM'01 (Ottawa) and MM'02 (Juan Les Pins) - a DVD that contains the technical program presentations from MM'01
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------------------------------------------------------------------------ CALL FOR PAPERS
ACM Multimedia 2003 The 11th Annual ACM International Conference on Multimedia
November 2-8, 2003 Berkeley, CA, USA http://www.acm.org/sigmm/mm2003/
Multimedia 2003 cordially invites your participation in the premier annual multimedia event by submitting your work in all aspects of multimedia computing: from underlying technologies to applications, from theory to practice, and from servers to networks to end-user devices.
Multimedia 2003 will be held November 2-8, 2003, at the Berkeley Marina Radisson in Berkeley, California, USA.
Present your work at Multimedia 2003 and define the future of multimedia!
TECHNICAL PROGRAM The technical program will consist of plenary sessions and talks with topics of interest in three main tracks:
- Multimedia analysis, processing, and retrieval: including multimedia content description and indexing, multimedia semantics modeling, audio/video/multi-modal processing, multimedia digital rights management, content-based retrieval, MPEG-7/-21 standards.
- Multimedia networking and system support: including peer-to-peer streaming, audio/video streaming, multimedia content distribution, wireless multimedia, energy-aware streaming, Internet protocols, multimedia servers, operating systems, middleware and QoS.
- Multimedia tools, end-systems, and applications: including hypermedia systems, user interfaces, authoring, multi-modal interaction and integration, multimedia in education, entertainment, and virtual environments.
We specifically solicit submissions in new and emerging areas in the field.
AWARDS will be given to the best paper and the best student paper.
PANELS will consist of discussions on timely and controversial topics.
SHORT PAPERS will be presented in poster format and are an opportunity for researchers to present new work and ideas in an interactive setting.
STATE-OF-THE-ART TUTORIALS by leading experts will precede the technical program. The full- and half-day offerings will span a wide variety of topics and will range from introductory to advanced material.
TECHNICAL DEMONSTRATIONS will include leading edge work in every area of multimedia technology and its application. An award will be given to the best technical demo.
DAY-LONG WORKSHOPS on topics of great current interest to members of the multimedia research community will follow the technical program.
THE DOCTORAL SYMPOSIUM is a venue for doctoral students to present their research and receive feedback from members of the multimedia field.
SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS Detailed submission instructions will be available on the web site.
All technical paper submissions will be handled electronically. Authors should prepare a Portable Document Format (PDF) or PostScript (version 2 or later) of their paper. The paper submission deadline for all papers is April 7, 2003.
Please direct questions about paper submission to the Program Co-Chairs at mm2003@cs.umass.edu
Proposals for panels, tutorials, technical demos, workshops, and doctoral symposium are solicited.
Please contact the appropriate conference organizer (listed below) for more specific information on these types of submissions.
IMPORTANT DATES April 7, 2003 Panel, paper, tutorial, and workshop submissions due June 23, 2003 Demo, poster, doctoral symposium submissions due July 1, 2003 Notification of acceptance for full papers August 4, 2003 Camera-ready papers due
CONFERENCE ORGANIZERS General Co-Chairs Lawrence Rowe, Univ of California, Berkeley rowe@bmrc.berkeley.edu Harrick Vin, Univ of Texas, Austin vin@cs.utexas.edu
Program Co-Chairs John R. Smith, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center jrsmith@watson.ibm.com Prashant Shenoy, Univ of Massachusetts, Amherst shenoy@cs.umass.edu Thomas Plagemann, Univ of Oslo, Norway plageman@ifi.uio.no
Technical Papers mailbox: mm2003@cs.umass.edu
Tutorials Co-Chairs Ketan Mayer-Patel, Univ of North Carolina, Chapel Hill kmp@cs.unc.edu Savitha Srinivasan, IBM Almaden Research Center savitha@almaden.ibm.com
Video Program Chair Lynn Wilcox, FX Palo Alto Lab wilcox@pal.xerox.com
Workshop Chair Forouzan Golshani, Arizona State University golshani@asu.edu
Technical Demos Yong Rui, Microsoft yongrui@microsoft.com
Doctoral Symposium Brian Bailey, Univ of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign bpbailey@cs.uiuc.edu
Panels Chair Phillip Conrad, Temple University conrad@joda.cis.temple.edu
Poster Chair Gopal Pingali, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center gpingali@us.ibm.com
Publicity Chair Michael Vernick, Lucent Bell Labs vernick@bell-labs.com
ACM Multimedia 2003 is sponsored by SIGMM http://www.acm.org/sigmm/, SIGGRAPH, and SIGCOMM.
MM'01 Technical Program DVD ---------------------------
You can purchase a DVD that contains the technical program presentations given at ACM Multimedia 2001 in Ottawa. The DVD includes 47 presentations.
Each presentation contains audio/video of the presenter and in many cases a synchronized copy of the presentation material (slides) used during the presentation. Each presentation also contains a link to the paper published in the proceedings.
ACM Member $39.95 Non-member $49.95
You can order the DVD or other material through the ACM eStore at:
You can also purchase copies of Conference Proceedings from preceding years (93-02) and Notes from the Workshops held in conjunction with MM'02 and MM'01.