Workshop Announcement:

WETICE2009 is announcing its workshops for participation in Gronigen, Netherlands, (June 29 - July 1st)


It's first workshop in collaboration and cloud computing will focus on emerging excitement in Cloud Computing


While current advances in cloud computing are commercially motivated and initiated by various service providers that different from conventional telecom or IP service providers, there is a body of experience from the academia, traditional telecommunications and IP service providers that can accelerate cloud deployment.  We would like to solicit participation from not only current cloud computing pioneers but also challenge the academics and traditional computing and communications industry participants to bring their expertise and know-how to suggest innovative and open approach that can benefit cloud evolution.

It is our belief that the telecommunication network and the Internet which are globally scalable and interoperable were made possible with collaboration from academics, industry and the creation of global standard bodies such as ITU and ITEF.  Just as the telecommunication network connected billions of people to communicate with each other, and the Internet connected millions of computers, PCs and mobile devices to exchange multimedia content, the next generation clouds will enable social networks allowing hundreds of thousands of developers to create millions of services to reach billion of users.  For the clouds to be interoperable and globally scalable, new innovation is necessary that brings new distributed computing models that are network centric and incorporates FCAPS management.  Many lessons learned in many disciplines need to be brought together to accelerate the cloud evolution with open, vendor independent and technology agnostic collaboration frameworks.

This workshop will sow the seed for the collaboration required.

Papers reporting original work, work-in-progress, doctoral research proposals, descriptions of systems, and review papers are solicited from the academia, and the computer and telecommunication industries.

All papers will be refereed by at least two experts in the area.

For more information about Collaboration & Cloud Computing, see:

For more information about the complete conference, see:


Important Dates:

Deadline for paper submission:                                             February 20, 2009

Decision to Authors:                                                                   March 13, 2009

Final papers in PDF format to IEEE:                                       April 10, 2009

Conference:                                                                                   June 29 - July 1, 2009


You can submit your papers to


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