-------- Original Message -------- Subject: IEEE/ACM SITIS 2006: Call for Papers Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2006 15:19:03 +0200 From: Richard CHBEIR richard.chbeir@u-bourgogne.fr Reply-To: Richard CHBEIR richard.chbeir@u-bourgogne.fr To: brandt@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de brandt@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de
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The 2006 International Conference on SIGNAL-IMAGE TECHNOLOGY & INTERNET- BASED SYSTEMS (SITIS 06) Sponsored by IEEE and ACM (approval pending)
December 17th - December 21st 2006 The MARCO POLO Hotel Hammamet, Tunisia http://www.u-bourgogne.fr/sitis
The SITIS conference is dedicated to research on the technologies used to represent, share and process information in various forms, ranging from signal, image, and multimedia data to traditional data and semi-structured data found in the web. SITIS 2006 aims to provide a forum for high quality presentations on research activities centered on three main tracks.
The focus of the first track "Information Management & Retrieval Technologies" (IMRT) is on the emerging modeling, representation and retrieval techniques that take into account the amount, type and diversity of information accessible in distributed computing environment. The main topics of Interest include:
- Data Semantics - Spatial Information Systems and Applications - Multimedia and application - Information security.
The second track "Web-Based Information Technologies & Distributed Systems" (WITDS) is devoted to emerging and novel concepts, architectures and methodologies for creating interconnected environments in which information can be exchanged easily, tasks can be processed collaboratively, and communities of users with similarly interests can be formed while addressing security threats that are present more than ever before. The main topics of Interest include:
- Information System Interoperability - Emergent semantics - Agent-based systems - Distributed, Parallel, GRID, P2P, Mobile information management - Web-Centric Systems
The third track "Signal & Image Technologies" (SIT) focuses on recent developments in digital signal processing and pays particular attention to evolutions in audiovisual signal processing, analysis, coding and authentication, and retrieval techniques. The main topics of Interest include:
- Image Processing and Analysis - Image/Video Coding and Authentication - Signal processing - Applications
Submissions must be in electronic form as PDF or PS files and should be uploaded through the SITIS 2006 Web site. Submissions should be 3000-4000 words long (approx. 8-12 double-space printed pages). Papers that fail to comply with length limit will be rejected. Submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least 2 qualified reviewers. Selection criteria will include: relevance, significance, impact, originality, technical soundness, and quality of presentation. Preference will be given to submissions that take strong or challenging positions on important emergent topics. At least one author should attend the conference to present the paper.
Tutorial and Workshop proposals should be submitted to sitis@u-bourgogne.fr.
IMPORTANT DATES: ---------------
Proposals for Tutorials/Workshops September 9th, 2006 Paper submission September 9th, 2006 Notification of acceptance October 15th, 2006 Final version paper with registration November 3rd, 2006
Track Organizers ----------------
IMRT Track Harald Kosch, U. Passau, Germany (harald.kosch at itec.uni-klu.ac.at) Vincent Oria, NJIT, USA (oria at homer.njit.edu)
WITDS Track Esma Aïmeur, U. of Montreal, Canada (aimeur at iro.umontreal.ca) Djamal Benslimane, U. Lyon, France (djamal.benslimane at iuta.univ-lyon1.fr) Javier Lopez, U. of Malaga, Spain (jlm at lcc.uma.es) Zakaria Maamar, U. of Zayed, U.A.E (zakaria.maamar at zu.ac.ae) Manuel Nunez, U. Comp.de Madrid, Spain (mn at sip.ucm.es)
SIT Track Peter Schelkens, Vrije U. Brussel, Belgium (pschelke at etro.vub.ac.be) Louis Legrand, U. of Bourgogne, France (Louis.Legrand at u-bourgogne.fr)