-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Multimedia 2006] CFP Workshop on Content Protection & Security Datum: Sat, 27 May 2006 05:55:02 -0400 Von: ACM Multimedia Committee acmsigmm@fastmail.fm An: Multimedia Recipient WOLF@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de
Workshop on Multimedia Content Protection and Security October 28, 2006 Santa Barbara, CA, USA
Held in conjunction with the 2006 ACM Multimedia Conference
We are 'Living la Vida Digital' -- in the shadow an ever-growing mountain of digital data, and advances in technology enable media delivery scenarios that were not feasible before; today's service providers and content providers must embrace new business models in order to attract and sustain consumers. But as the volumes of data grow, so does the importance of, and challenges associated with, multimedia content protection and security. To address these challenges, it is imperative to devise effective and flexible solutions. New technologies offer convenient ways to distribute and consume digital media; yet these new technologies also make it relatively easy to quickly and flawlessly copy digital data, posing tremendous challenges to protecting intellectual property rights.
Multimedia security standards aim to define specifications that facilitate effective and flexible content protection schemes and promote interoperability among applications. While that is the Holy Grail, developing secure multimedia applications and solutions in a distributed environment with competing technologies and emerging standards is an enormous challenge.
During this workshop, we will explore ways in which a combination of emerging standards, emerging media formats, innovative solutions and technologies that enable new markets might drive both new applications and entirely new ways of managing content. We will provide an excellent overview of the relevant research, business and consumer challenges, as well as the potential impact of emerging optical media formats. We expect to cover multimedia security from several perspectives: researchers, consumers and content/service providers.
The intention of this workshop is to bring together researchers, developers, and practitioners from multimedia security communities (academia and industry) to share a vision of "Multimedia Security and Content Protection in this Rapidly Growing Digital World". That is, from identifying challenging problems that can shape the future of research, to practical applications and/or research that address issues posed by the convergence of television, computers and the Internet. We welcome papers on applications that combine emerging standards, emerging media formats, innovating solutions, and technologies that enable new markets. This workshop will provide an excellent overview of the relevant research, business, and consumer challenges, as well as the potential impact of emerging optical media formats. We expect to cover multimedia security from the several perspectives: researchers, consumers, and content/service providers.
We encourage submissions on papers on all topics in the general areas of multimedia security, multimedia content protection, emerging standards, interoperability, and practical applications issues. Papers that bridge across these areas are of special interest. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Content Protection
- Broadcast Encryption - Public-Key Encryption - Forensic Analysis - Tracing Traitors - Revocation Schemes - Digital Rights Management - Cryptographic Applications
Digital Watermarking - Applications - Protocols - Attacks - Techniques
Platform Integrity - Software Tamper Resistance - Code Obfuscation - Software Watermarking - Hardware Tamper Resistance - Trusted Computing
Applications, Standards, and Formats - Consumer Applications - Solutions for the Home Network - New business models in multimedia security - Challenges of Emerging Media Formats - Enabling technologies - Legal aspects
We also welcome authors from industry to submit papers that describe solutions in all the areas above. These papers should point out the technical aspects of the work, such as: - Relevant implementation issues - Lessons learned - Problems addressed by the solution - Supporting technologies - Interoperability issues
Submission Details:
Papers should be at most 10 pages long prepared in the ACM style and written in acceptable English. All submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least 3 members of the program committee. Papers submitted must be original unpublished work and must not be simultaneously submitted or under review for any other workshop, conference or journal (including ACM Multimedia). Any paper found to be in violation of these rules will be rejected without review. (We may share information about submissions with the program chairs of other conferences considering papers during the review period.) Papers accompanied by non-disclosure agreement forms will not be considered. All submissions are treated as confidential, both as a matter of policy and in accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976.
Submission Instructions:
Please send any submission questions to dulce@almaden.ibm.com. Submission details will be provided very soon. Check out website http://stargate.ecn.purdue.edu/~ips/acm-sec/ for such details.
Important Dates:
Paper submission deadline: July 10, 2006 Acceptance notification: August 2, 2006 Camera ready copy for accepted papers: August 15, 2006 ACM Multimedia Conference: October 22-28, 2006 Multimedia Content Protection and Security Workshop: October 28, 2006
Registration: more information on this later
Workshop Chairs: Edward J. Delp, Purdue University, Indiana, USA (ace@ecn.purdue.edu) Dulce B. PonceleĆ³n, IBM Almaden Research Center, USA (dulce@almaden.ibm.com ) Ginger Myles, IBM Almaden Research Center, California, USA (gmyles@us.ibm.com )
Program Committee: Mikhail Atallah (Purdue University) Christian Collberg (University of Arizona) Nelly Fazio (Courant Institute) Matt Frankling (UC Davis) Paul Kosher (Cryptography Research, Inc.) Jeff Lotspiech (IBM Almaden Research Center) Dalit Naor (IBM Research Haifa) Clark Thomborson (University of Auckland)
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