-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Tccc] Mobility Modeling and Performance Evaluation, IWCMC 2010. Datum: Tue, 29 Dec 2009 20:17:01 +0900 Von: Jong-Hyouk Lee jonghyouk@gmail.com An: tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu
=== Mobility Modeling and Performance Evaluation (MoMoPE) 2010 ===
About MoMoPE
The First International Workshop on Mobility Modeling and Performance Evaluation (MoMoPE) 2010 will be a one-day workshop held in International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC) 2010, will be held on June 28 - July 2 2010, in France.
Call For Papers
The demand for mobility modeling and performance evaluation has been dramatically increasing in the areas of vehicular, autonomous, and cognitive communications. Especially, mobile protocols and mobility service used in such areas have posed various challenges to the academic and industry. These challenges require effective mobility modeling methods to obtain precise performance evaluation results that allow to design new mobile protocols, mobility service, and robust solutions. Research results in mathematical, simulation, and experience on mobility modeling and performance evaluation studies are welcome. The purpose of MoMoPE is to bring together the academic and industry working on different aspects related to mobile computing in efforts to highlight the state-of-art research on mobility modeling and performance, exchange ideas, and explore new research directions. Mobility modeling and performance evaluation studies in the following topics are welcome (but are not limited to):
* Performance modeling of sensor mobility in wireless/mobile networks * Performance modeling of human mobility in wireless/mobile networks * Performance modeling of vehicular mobility in wireless/mobile networks * Performance modeling of mobility protocols used in wireless/mobile networks * Performance modeling of location management and handover used in wireless/mobile networks * Performance modeling of bandwidth allocation and resource scheduler used in wireless/mobile networks * Performance modeling of security protocol and access control management used in wireless/mobile networks
Important Dates
* Submission Deadline: 15 January 2010 * Author Notification: 15 March 2010 * Camera Ready Submission Due: 1 April 2010 * Author Registration Due: 1 April 2010
Submission Information
Prospective authors are invited to submit original technical papers electronically through EDAS.info (http://edas.info/8231). The maximum page length is not more than five (5) IEEE style pages including results, figures and references. IEEE style formats can be found at www.ieee.org/pubs/authors.html. Accepted and presented papers at the workshop will be included in ACM/IEEE Digital Library (pending approval). Selected papers will be further considered for possible publication in two special issues of the Wiley Journal "Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (WCMC)" and the InderScience Journal "International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems (IJAACS)".
Workshop Co-chairs
* Ilsun You (Korean Bible University, Korea): isyou (at) bible (dot) ac (dot) kr * Jong-Hyouk Lee (INRIA, France): jong-hyouk.lee (at) inria (dot) fr
Workshop Steering chairs
* Victor C.M. Leung (The University of British Columbia, Canada) * Han-Chieh Chao (National Ilan University, Taiwan) * Yi-Bing Lin (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan)
Workshop Program Committee
* Jun Bi (Tsinghua University, China) * Maria Calderon (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain) * Yao-Chung Chang (National Taitung University, Taiwan) * Der-Jiunn Deng (National Changhua University of Education, Taiwan) * Youn-Hee Han (Korea University of Technology and Education, Korea) * Seung-Jae Han (Yonsei University, Korea) * Hae-Duck Joshua Jeong (Korean Bible University, Korea) * Ved P. Kafle (NICT, Japan) * Yacine Khaled (Geenov, France) * Hewu Li (Tsinghua University, China) * Phone Lin (National Taiwan University, Taiwan) * Hamid Menouar (Hitachi Europe, France) * Sangheon Pack (Korea University, Korea) * Asanga Udugama (University of Bremen, Germany) * Ryuji Wakikawa (TOYOTA InfoTechnology Center, USA) * Qin Wu (Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd, China) * Tin-Yu Wu (Tamkang University, Taiwan) * Shun-Ren Yang (National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan) * Yun-Sheng Yen (Fo Guang University, Taiwan) * Ahmed H. Zahran (University College Cork, Ireland)
More information can be found at http://www.iwcmc.com (IWCMC 2010 web-site) and http://www.momope.org (MoMoPE 2010 workshop web-site).