-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [InternetTC] [CFP] ICDCS 2024: 44th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, Jersey City, New Jersey, USA [Full Paper Submission: January 19, 2024] Datum: Mon, 20 Nov 2023 20:47:09 +0000 Von: Xiaonan Guo xguo8@GMU.EDU An: itc@COMSOC.ORG
*Call for Papers*
The 44th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS) is a premier international forum for researchers and practitioners to present, discuss and exchange cutting edge ideas and latest findings on topics related to any aspects of distributed computing systems. The conference will be held in July 2024 in Jersey City, New Jersey, USA.
We invite you to submit your original contributions to ICDCS 2024 (https://icdcs2024.icdcs.org/ https://icdcs2024.icdcs.org/).
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* AI/ML and Distributed Systems * Algorithms for Distributed Computing, Scheduling and OS * Big Data & Big Models * Blockchain * Cloud Computing and Data Centers * Distributed Applications, Crowdsourcing and Video Analytics * Edge Computing * Industry and Interdisciplinary Studies of Distributed Systems and Applications * Internet of Things * OS, Fault-tolerance and Dependability * Security, Privacy, and Trust in Distributed Systems * Mobile and Wireless Computing * Federated Learning, Analytics, and Deployment * Quantum Networks and Computing
*Paper Submission*
Papers must be original and unpublished, and must not be submitted concurrently for publication elsewhere. All paper submissions should follow the IEEE 8.5″ x 11″ two-column format using 10pt fonts and the IEEE Conference template (downloadable by selecting “Conferences” in the IEEE-Template Selector https://template-selector.ieee.org/ https://template-selector.ieee.org/). Each submission can have up to 11 pages (including references). Papers exceeding this page limit or with smaller fonts will be rejected without review.
The full paper review process is double-blind. Authors are required to take all reasonable steps to preserve the anonymity of their submission. The submission must not include author information and must not include citations or discussion of related work that would make the authorship apparent. While authors can upload their paper to institutional or other preprint repositories such as arXiv.org before reviewing is complete, we generally discourage this since it places anonymity at risk. If authors decide to upload their paper to a preprint site, they must make sure the title and abstract of their submission to ICDCS are different from the title and abstract of the preprint version, so that it is not immediately obvious the two versions are the same paper.
If your submission is accepted for publication, up to 2 over length pages may be purchased for the final camera-ready version. For each accepted paper, at least one author is required to pay a full author registration and attend the conference to present their work on site. No-show paper will be reported to the publisher and removed from the conference publication. For authors with multiple papers accepted by the conference, a separate author registration is required for each paper.
*Important Dates *
Abstract Submission: January 12, 2024 (23:59, UTC-5, EST)
Full Paper Submission: January 19, 2024 (23:59, UTC-5, EST)
Notification of Acceptance: April 12, 2024
Camera-ready Paper Submission: May 10, 2024
*General Chair *
Cristian Borcea, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Adriana Iamnitchi, Maastricht University
*TPC Chairs *
Yingying Chen, Rutgers University
Xiaoming Fu, University of Goettingen
*Technical Track Chairs *
*AI/ML and Distributed Systems //*
Francesco Restuccia, Northeastern University
Tingting Yuan, University of Göttingen
*Algorithms for Distributed Computing, Scheduling and OS *
Ramnatthan Alagappan, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Roy Friedman, Technion (Israel Institute of Technology)
*Big Data & Big Models*
Wei Ding, University of Massachusetts Boston
Schahram Dustdar, Vienna University of Technology
*Blockchain *
Jesus Carretero, Charles III University of Madrid
Kaiping Xue, University of Science and Technology of China
*Cloud Computing and Data Centers *
Rittwik Jana, Google
Lei Jiao, University of Oregon
*Distributed Applications, Crowdsourcing and Video Analytics *
Dimitrios Koutsonikolas, Northeastern University
Mo Li, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
*Edge Computing *
Sandip Chakraborty, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Ju Ren, Tsinghua University
*Industry and Interdisciplinary Studies of Distributed Systems and Applications *
Yupeng Li, Hong Kong Baptist University
Jayaram Kallapalayam Radhakrishnan, IBM
*Internet of Things *
Matthias Waehlisch, Dresden University of Technology
Chenren Xu, Peking University
*OS, Fault-tolerance and Dependability *
Sameer G Kurkarni, Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar
Danella Zhao, University of Arizona/National Science Foundation
*Security, Privacy, and Trust in Distributed Systems *
Yan Wang, Temple University
Xingliang Yuan, Monash University
*Mobile and Wireless Computing *
Wibowo Hardjawana, University of Sydney
Kun Sun, George Mason University
*Federated Learning, Analytics, and Deployment *
Yann Busnel, École des Mines de Douai (IMT Nord Europe)
Shiqiang Wang, IBM
*Quantum Networks and Computing *
Chen Qian, University of California Santa Cruz
Yuanyuan Yang, Stony Brook University
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