-------- Original Message -------- Subject: JSAC Issue on Metro Networks - cfp Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2003 13:12:17 +0200 (MEST) From: Mikhail Smirnov smirnow@fokus.fraunhofer.de To: cost263@fokus.fraunhofer.de CC: andreaf@utdallas.edu
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2003 23:07:51 -0500 (CDT) From: Andrea Fumagalli andreaf@utdallas.edu
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*********************************************************************** new deadline for paper submissions is August 15, 2003 ***********************************************************************
CALL FOR PAPERS IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
Metro optical networking (MON) is a topic of intense research, development, and economic activity. Metro networks include access networks, collector networks, and metro core networks. In practice, there is a large gap between the vision of agile, high capacity, and low cost metro optical networks and the practical operational reality in terms of existing infrastructures deployed by Carriers. There is a strong imperative for modernization and expansion of metro optical networks driven by the need to extend broadband connectivity to end-users irrespective of the present adverse economic situation afflicting the telecommunications sector. This can be accomplished by augmenting capacity, but more importantly by introducing new technologies with strong performance/price benefits that can support emerging broadband data services in a scalable and cost effective manner, such as Virtual Private Networks (VPN), Voice over IP (VoIP), and Virtual Leased Lines (VLLs) among others. A number of new solutions have been proposed to enable the deployment of simple, cost-effective, and bandwidth efficient metro optical networks. Some of these solutions are geared towards enhancing and adapting existing SONET/SDH ring technologies, while others are designed specifically to compete against SONET/SDH.
This issue of JSAC aims to explore and map out recent advances in metro optical networks. Authors are invited to submit original papers relating to any aspect of metro optical networking. The list of topics includes, but is not limited to, the following:
-Metro optical network architectures -Enabling technologies for metro optical networks -Operations, administration, and management -Resource management in metro optical networks -Protection, restoration, and general survivability issues -Control plane technologies for metro optical networks (including routing, signaling, link management, UNI, NNI, ASON, GMPLS, and software architectures) -Metro optical access networks -Metro optical collector networks -Metro optical core networks -Services and business drivers for metro optical networks -Economics of metro optical networks -IP over optical (IPO) issues in MONs (including IP/optical integration and control coordination issues) -Traffic engineering and performance optimization of metro optical networks -Impairment aware routing in metro optical networks
All submissions should be in electronic format using either PDF or PS files. Authors may submit their papers to any of the Guest Editors listed below. The following timetable shall apply:
Manuscript Submissions: August 15, 2003 (strictly enforced) Notification of Acceptance: January 1, 2004 Final Manuscript Due: April 1, 2004 Tentative Publication: 3rd Quarter 2004
Ibrahim Habib E.E. Dept City University of New York N.Y., N.Y. 10031 habib@ccny.cuny.edu
Daniel O. Awduche Jazuc Group 2901 Telestar Court Falls Church, VA 22042 awduche@awduche.com
Andrea Fumagalli Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science The University of Texas at Dallas Richardson, TX 75083-0688 andreaf@utdallas.edu
******************************************************************** Posted to cost263 by Mikhail Smirnov smirnow@fokus.fraunhofer.de