-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [MM-INTEREST] Call for Papers: Pervasive Computing for Smart Energy Systems Datum: Thu, 11 Mar 2010 10:29:34 +0100 Von: Andreas Bulling andreas.bulling@ACM.ORG Antwort an: Andreas Bulling andreas.bulling@ACM.ORG Organisation: ETH Zurich An: MM-INTEREST@LISTSERV.ACM.ORG
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CALL FOR PAPERS -----------------------------------
IEEE Pervasive Computing Special Issue on Pervasive Computing for Smart Energy Systems www.computer.org/PERVASIVE
Important Dates: -----------------------------------
Submission Deadline: 1 Apr. 2010 Publication: Oct. - Dec. 2011
Description: -----------------------------------
Occupants of near-future buildings won’t necessarily be able to flip a light switch or adjust a thermostat to control building utilities. There may well be too many devices to easily control with direct “switches;” instead, they'll need to be driven by inferred intention or simple, intuitive, collective control. More crucially, as about 40 percent of the energy used in the US and most developed economies tends to be consumed in built infrastructure, energy conservation concerns will pull our hand off the dial as environments regulate themselves to accommodate occupants' objectives and best tend to their comfort while minimizing energy consumption. Accordingly, smart energy systems will be a strong application area of pervasive computing, as user state, behavior and context are measured, inferred, and leveraged across a variety of domains, environments, sensors, and actuators to dynamically mitigate energy usage.
IEEE Pervasive Computing welcomes submissions on all aspects of smart energy systems relevant to our field, including, for example:
* interactive systems for energy management; * dynamically adaptive energy management; * minimally invasive energy management systems (those that are simple, unobtrusive, easy-to-use, intuitive, and self-configuring); * engaging wearable and mobile devices in dynamic energy management; * wearable and sensed-infrastructure control of heating and lighting; * sensor networks for energy monitoring and control; * optimal collective management of diverse energy sources in living environments; * energy management in smart buildings; * unified energy management across home, office, and mobile contexts; * determining and utilizing user context in regulating energy; * persuasive computing to encourage users to minimize energy use; * exploiting social computing or game-like environments to encourage energy frugality; * utilizing diverse media to expose real-time and integrated energy consumption to users; * user interfaces to integrated and/or distributed smart energy systems; * smart grids in relation to pervasive computing; * smart integration of distributed, scalable, and affordable energy storage across appliances, buildings, and vehicles; * security, privacy, and policy in pervasive energy systems; * nonintrusive load monitoring (NILM) and nonintrusive appliance load monitoring (NALM) techniques; and * hardware and/or software systems to enable pervasive smart energy environments and applications.
In addition to feature-length articles, IEEE Pervasive Computing invites work-in-progress submissions of 250 words or less. Submit a WiPs report on your project to pvcwips@computer.org.
Special Issue Guest Editors: -----------------------------------
* Joe Paradiso, MIT Media Lab, joep@media.mit.edu * Eve Schooler, Intel Research, eve.m.schooler@intel.com * Prabal Dutta, University of Michigan, prabal@eecs.umich.edu * Hans Gellersen, Lancaster University, hwg@comp.lancs.ac.uk
Submission Guidelines: -----------------------------------
Submissions should be 4,000 to 6,000 words long and should follow the magazine’s guidelines on style and presentation. All submissions will be peer-reviewed in accordance with normal practice for scientific publications, and will be edited according to the IEEE Computer Society editorial style.
Submissions should be received by 1 April 2010 to receive full consideration.
To submit your article directly to our online peer-review system, Manuscript Central, visit https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/pc-cs.
To explore a possible topic, please contact the guest editors.