-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: DroNet 2016 (affiliated with ACM MobiSys): Call for Papers Datum: Tue, 26 Jan 2016 00:13:16 -0500 Von: Sheng-Wei "Kuan-Ta" Chen swc@IIS.SINICA.EDU.TW Antwort an: Mailing List der GI FG 3.3.1 "Kommunikation und Verteilte Systeme" KUVS-L@LISTSERV.UNI-HEIDELBERG.DE An: KUVS-L@LISTSERV.UNI-HEIDELBERG.DE
[apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CfP]
******************************************************************** * * Preliminary Call for Papers * * DroNet 2016 * * 2nd Workshop on * * Micro Aerial Vehicle Networks, Systems, and Applications * for Civilian Use * * (organized in conjunction with ACM MobiSys 2016) * * Singapore * June 26, 2016 * * Submissions due: March 7, 2016 * ********************************************************************
OVERVIEW ========
Micro and nano aerial vehicles (MAVs and NAVs), often referred to as drones, are unmanned aerial vehicles of various forms, such as small quadrocopters, airplanes, balloons, or tiny flapping wing vehicles. They are novel mobile unmanned systems currently investigated in various mission-oriented civilian applications. Recent popular applications employing MAVs are 3D-mapping, search and rescue, surveillance, farmland and construction monitoring, delivery of light-weight objects and products (e.g., Amazon's announced drone delivery system), or video taking during sports events. Such drones are autonomous systems with a good awareness of their environment, provided by rich on board sensors, such as gyroscopes, accelerometers, lasers, GPS units and cameras, and embedded image processing. Nevertheless, all useful applications require a reliable communication link, or even rely on fleets of MAVs.
DroNet welcomes contributions dealing with communication aspects of micro aerial vehicles, theoretical studies, algorithm and protocol design for flexible aerial networks, as well as mission-oriented contributions dealing with requirements, constraints, safety issues, and regulation. We are particularly looking for papers reporting on system aspects and experimental results, summaries of challenges or advancements, measurements, or innovative applications. The program seeks original work of potentially interdisciplinary teams to present robotic work or applications focusing on the communication challenges or requirements to the audience.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Drone ad-hoc networks - Aerial communication protocol design - Theoretical analysis and models for drone networks - Spectrum and regulatory issues - Communication for drone coordination - Delay-tolerant networks and ferrying approaches - Integration of MAVs in mobile, pervasive systems - Positioning and localization - Autonomous flight - Vision and object tracking - Cooperative surveillance, smart cameras and sensors - Experimental results of aerial communication testbeds - Micro flying systems - MAC and routing protocols for MAV fleets - Solutions for sparse and dense fleets of MAVs - Mission and context-aware solutions - Mobility-aware and 3D communications - Energy-efficient operation and energy harvesting of MAVs - MAV-based sensor networks - Swarm movement, coordination, and behavior - Artificial intelligence techniques for drones - Human drone interaction - Acceptance, security, reliability, and privacy aspects - UAV applications, e.g., in smart city, automated map generation, entertainment, emergency, precise agriculture, social good, etc.
DroNet invites submission of original work not previously published or under review at another conference or journal. The workshop will accept full paper, poster, and demo submissions. Full papers must be no longer than 6 pages, poster and demonstration papers are limited to 2 pages. DroNet follows a single-blind review process. Submissions must be submitted in PDF format and follow the formatting guidelines provided at http://www.sigmobile.org/mobisys/2016. The proceedings will contain full papers as well as poster and demo submissions and will be published by ACM. All accepted full papers will be considered for the Best Paper Award.
TEMPORARY WEB SITE ==================
http://www.sigmobile.org/mobisys/2016/workshops.php (More information will be available soon.)
WORKSHOP CHAIRS ===============
- Kuan-Ta Chen (Academia Sinica) - Karin Anna Hummel (JKU Linz) - Claudio E. Palazzi (University of Padua)
STEERING COMMITTEE ==================
- Kuan-Ta Chen (Academia Sinica) - Mario Gerla (UCLA) - Karin Anna Hummel (JKU Linz) - Claudio E. Palazzi (University of Padua) - Sofie Pollin (KU Leuven) - James J.P. Sterbenz (University of Kansas)
IMPORTANT DATES ===============
- Submission deadline (paper, demo, poster): March 7, 2016 - Notification date: April 15, 2016 - Camera-ready due: May 6, 2016 - Workshop date: June 26, 2016