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***** PAPER SUBMISSION DEADLINE HAS BEEN EXTENDED TO ***** MAY 24, 2008 (11:59pm EDT) ------------------------------------------------------------------------
MeshTech 2008 Second IEEE International Workshop on Enabling Technologies and Standards for Wireless Mesh Networking
co-located with IEEE MASS 2008 sponsored by IEEE, IEEE Computer Society, IEEE TC on Distributed Processing, IEEE TC on Simulation, and IEEE TC on Computer Communication
September 29, 2008 Atlanta, GA, USA
Wireless mesh networks are emerging as a key technology for next generation wireless networking. A wireless mesh network is characterized by dynamic self - organization, self-configuration and self-healing, which allow it for easy and fast, highly scalable, reliable and cost- effective network deployment under very diverse environments, and provision of better coverage and capacity to stationary and mobile users. Because of this, wireless mesh networks have not only become a hot topic in the research community, but are also experiencing a very fast deployment in many today's environments, such as public city-wide broadband WiFi networks, rural networks, private neighbourhood communities, or private business networks that are characterized by frequent topology changes, cabling troubles, or hard environmental conditions.
Triggered by these fast advances in both research and industry communities, several standardization bodies have started working on specifying recognized protocols and architectures for interoperable WMNs, including both the IEEE 802 LAN/MAN standards committee (inside the IEEE 802.16/WiMAX, the IEEE 802.11s, the IEEE 802. and the IEEE 802.15.5 Working Groups) and the IETF in the context of wireless access and mobility support in Next Generation Internet (inside, e.g., the MIPSHOP, NETLMM and MANET Working Groups). However, it is still to be fully understood what technological challenges these standardization efforts have to face, how they will evolve, and what application scenarios will be able to drive their possible success.
Building on the success of the last year event, MeshTech 2008 aims at bringing together again practitioners and researchers from both academia and industry in order to discuss the recent advances and future evolution of next generation mobile mesh/multi-hop relay networking technologies and standards.
Within the scope of wireless mesh networks, topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Routing protocols - Medium access control protocols - Quality of Service and fairness provisioning - Mesh networks configuration and management - Topology discovery, association and control - Mesh networks measurement - Mobility management - Interworking in heterogeneous wireless mesh networks - Coexistence with existing wireless infrastructures - Security architectures, functions and protocols - Performance evaluation - Comparative study of competing solutions - Cross-layer design and optimization - Advanced antenna technologies - Cognitive and frequency-agile radios - Fault tolerance, anomaly detection and error recovery schemes
PAPER SUBMISSION AND PUBLICATION All submissions must describe original research, not published or currently under review for another workshop, conference, or journal. Papers must be submitted electronically to EDAS by May 24, 2008, 11:59pm EDT. You can find detailed submission instructions at http://www.ing.unipi.it/meshtech08/submission.html. Submission implies the willingness of at least one author to attend the workshop and present the paper. Accepted papers will be included in the main proceedings of IEEE MASS 2008 and published by the IEEE.
IMPORTANT DATES Manuscript Submission Due: May 24, 2008 (11:59pm EDT). ** EXTENDED ** Notification of acceptance: June 25, 2008. Final Manuscript Due: July 18, 2008.
WORKSHOP CO-CHAIRS Enzo Mingozzi, University of Pisa, Italy. Xudong Wang, Kiyon Inc., USA.
TECHNICAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE. Stefano Avallone, University of Naples, Italy. Leonardo Badia, IMT Lucca, Italy. Michael Bahr, Siemens AG, Germany. Lars Berlemann, Deutsche Telekom, Germany. Giuseppe Bianchi, University of Roma Tor Vergata, Italy. Torsten Braun, University of Bern, Switzerland. Antonio Capone, Polytechnic of Milano, Italy. Javier Cardona, Cozy Bit, USA. Aik Chindapol, Nokia Siemens Networks, USA. Claudio Cicconetti, University of Pisa, Italy. Marco Conti, IIT-CNR, Italy. Dee Denteneer, Philips Research, The Netherlands. Donald Eastlake, Motorola, USA. Steve Emeott, Motorola, USA. Karoly Farkas, University of West Hungary, Hungary. Frank Fitzek, University of Aalborg, Denmark. Susan Hares, NextHop, USA. Guido Hiertz, RWTH Aachen, Germany. Kyeong Soo Kim, Institute of Advanced Telecommunications, Swansea University, UK. Jarkko Kneckt, Nokia Research Center, Finland. Taekyoung Kwon, Seoul National University, South Korea. Myung J. Lee, City University of New York, City College, USA. Luciano Lenzini, University of Pisa, Italy. Azman Osman Lim, NICT, Japan. Stefan Mangold, Swisscom Innovations, Switzerland. Sebastian Max, RWTH Aachen, Germany. Daniele Miorandi, Create-Net, Italy. Mitsuo Nohara, KDDI Corporation, Japan. Alexander Safonov, Russian Academy of Science, Russia. Kazuyuki Sakoda, Sony Corporation, Japan. Vasilios Siris, University of Crete/FORTH-ICS, Greece. Hideyuki Suzuki, Sony, Japan. Rakesh Taori, Samsung, South Korea. Christian Wietfeld, University of Dortmund, Germany. Yunpeng Zang, RWTH Aachen, Germany.