-------- Original Message -------- Subject: Deadline Reminder - DRCN 2005 Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2005 10:29:01 +0200 From: Clotilde FERTINI info@iicgenova.it To: wolf@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de
The 5th International Workshop on
Design of Reliable Communication Networks
*/"Reliable Networks for Reliable Services"/*
*/ /*
*October 16-19, 2005** * **Island** of **Ischia** (**Naples**) * **Italy*
* *
*Abstract submission deadline is expiring **April 15, 2005*
* *
*Click here to submit your abstract/paper*
*DRCN 2005 http://drcn2005.telecomitalialab.com/submit.htm*
*For further information:*
Dear Colleague,
Our apologies if you receive multiple postings of this Reminder.
Workshop consists of:
* Technical presentations
* Tutorials
* Panel discussions
* Posters
* Exhibitions
* Demos
Topics include:
* Equipment and Technology for Survivability
* Basic Methods and Theory for Survivable Network Design and Operation
* Network Planning, Management, Monitoring and Control
* Operations, Applications and Services Oriented Networking
Organized by:
* Telecom Italia Lab
* Istituto Internazionale delle Comunicazioni
In technical co-sponsorship with:
* IEEE Communications Society
With support from:
* Marconi
* Alcatel
* Lucent Technologies
* Nortel Networks