Begin forwarded message:
From: Carlos Becker Westphall westphal@lrg.ufsc.br Date: 17. Dezember 2004 04:37:27 MEZ To: cnom@lrg.ufsc.br Cc: Subject: [ieee-cnom] 1st IEEE workshop on Reliability and Autonomic Management in Parallel and Distributed Systems (fwd)
---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2004 01:14:52 -0500 From: Raouf Boutaba rboutaba@bbcr.uwaterloo.ca To: cnom-admin@orion.lrg.ufsc.br Cc: 'Carlos Becker Westphall' westphal@lrg.ufsc.br Subject: 1st IEEE workshop on Reliability and Autonomic Management in Parallel and Distributed Systems
Title: Call for papers- RAMPDS05
Dear Colleagues,
I am very delighted to invite you to submit paper(s) to and attend the "the 1st IEEE workshop on Reliability and Autonomic Management in Parallel and Distributed Systems" (RAMPDS-2005). (http://www.cs.iupui.edu/~ydai/RAMPDS05/RAMPDS05.htm). This workshop, sponsored by the IEEE computer society and Fukuoka Institute of Technology, will be held in conjunction with "the 11th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems" (http://www.takilab.k.dendai.ac.jp/conf/icpads/2005/)
The workshop will be held on July 20-22, 2005 at the Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Fukuoka, Japan. Fukuoka is a beautiful city facing the Genkai Sea on the north and surrounded by Sefuri, Sangun, and Inunaki mountain systems.
The accepted papers will be published by IEEE Computer Society Press as part of the ICPADS-05 workshop proceedings. Extended versions of selected, distinguished papers that are presented at the workshop will be considered for journal publication as part of a special issue.
The deadline for submitting papers is February 15, 2005. Authors should send one copy of paper in either PS or PDF to Dr. Yuanshun Dai (Program Co-Chair) via email (ydai@cs.iupui.edu). The papers should be at most 6 pages and formatted according to IEEE CS format (http://www.computer.org/cspress/instruct.htm).
For more details, please see the attached CFP or visit the workshop webpage at (http://www.cs.iupui.edu/~ydai/RAMPDS05/RAMPDS05.htm)
Thank you very much!
Best regards,
On Behalf of RAMPDS-05
Cnom mailing list Cnom@orion.lrg.ufsc.br http://orion.lrg.ufsc.br/mailman/listinfo/cnom