-------- Ursprüngliche Nachricht -------- Von: Stephen Xia sx2194@columbia.edu Gesendet: 8. Juli 2021 05:44:31 MESZ An: Stephen Xia stephen.xia@columbia.edu, Clayton Miller clayton@nus.edu.sg Betreff: [Paper Deadline Extended to July 23] ACM BuildSys 2021 - Coimbra, Portugal
Dear Colleagues,
We want to let you know that the paper submission deadline for the ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Built Environments, Cities, and Transportation (ACM BuildSys 2021) is extended. The new abstract registration and paper submission deadline is July 23rd, AoE. The conference will be held Nov. 17-18. Please register your abstracts and submit your papers using the following link:
Submission Website: https://buildsys21.hotcrp.com/
BuildSys 2021 Website: http://buildsys.acm.org/2021
Updated Important Dates:
Abstract Registration: July 23, 2021, AOE. -
Paper Submission: July 23, 2021, AOE.
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Clayton Miller and Stephen Xia
BuildSys 2021 Publicity Chairs