-------- Ursprüngliche Nachricht -------- Von: Carlo Alberto Boano cboano@TUGRAZ.AT Gesendet: 3. Oktober 2017 10:02:28 MESZ An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] EWSN 2018 Dependability Competition - Call for Contestants
--------------------------------------------------------------------- Call for Competitors
3rd Dependability Competition at the Intl. Conf. on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN)
February 14-16, 2018 - Madrid, Spain
https://ewsn2018.networks.imdea.org/call-for-competitors.html ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Following the success of the 2016 and 2017 editions, the Intl. Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN) will host also this year a competition to compare the performance of WSN and IoT communication protocols in harsh RF environments.
FORMAT: This year's dependability competition will have a new format compared to the past two editions, the most prominent changes being that it will take place remotely over a longer time window, and that it will involve the reporting of multiple events from several nodes.
Interested participants should first submit an abstract describing their approach by the competition entry deadline. Accepted contestants will obtain the credentials to remotely access the competition infrastructure and enter the preparation phase, after which each team needs to provide one binary that will be used for the final evaluation.
A poster session entirely dedicated to the dependability competition will take place during the evening of the first conference day. All competing teams must present their solution in the poster session and will have the possibility to engage in lively discussions with the other conference attendees. The winners of the competition will be awarded during a dedicated plenary session on the second conference day and will hold a 10-minutes talk presenting their solution, followed by a short discussion.
COMPETITION SCENARIO AND EVALUATION PROCEDURE: The competition scenario emulates the operation of a sensor and actuator network monitoring discrete events in an industrial setting where several co-existing wireless devices are crowding the RF spectrum. A complete description of the competition scenario and evaluation procedure can be found at: https://ewsn2018.networks.imdea.org/call-for-competitors.html
ELIGIBILITY Both academia and industry submissions are encouraged. All wireless communication protocols used in low-power wireless sensor networks are welcome, and there is no restriction on the operating system used to program the sensor nodes. The competition will take place if at least 5 teams respond to this preliminary call for competitors. Depending on the nature and number of submissions, multiple categories may be defined. The winning teams in each category will receive cash awards and present their approach at EWSN in a 10-minutes plenary talk.
SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS Interested participants should first submit a two-page abstract describing their approach by the competition entry deadline, following the formatting requirements described on the competition Webpage. The abstracts will be used to pre-select the participants to the competition. Accepted contestants will have the chance to edit their abstract and submit a camera-ready version by the end of the competition's preparation phase. Accepted abstracts will appear in the ACM Digital Library, unless authors explicitly mark their submission as confidential.
IMPORTANT DATES: Competition entry deadline (Abstract submission): Oct. 11, 2017 Notification of acceptance: Oct. 18, 2017 Camera-ready abstract submission: Jan. 7, 2018 Competition's preparation phase: Mid-Nov. 2017 until Jan. 7, 2018 Submission of final software: Jan. 7, 2018 Competition's evaluation phase: Mid-Jan. until Feb. 7, 2018 Competition panel and poster session: Feb. 14, 2018 Competition awards and winners' presentations: Feb. 15, 2018
ORGANIZERS: Carlo Alberto Boano, TU Graz Markus Schuss, TU Graz --------------------------------------------------------------------- Our sincere apologies if you receive multiple copies of the call ---------------------------------------------------------------------
______________________________________________________________ IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications http://committees.comsoc.org/tccc/ TCCC Announce: For announcements concerning computer networking and communications. tccc-announce@comsoc.org https://comsoc-listserv.ieee.org/